Do they stamp on the exit from Turkey to the territory of Northern Cyprus? Can I stay 90 days in Turkey, then fly for 30-90 days to North Cyprus and return back to Turkey on a general visa?

Responds Elena Kochkina, Unique Cyprus Travel company

Turkey and North Cyprus are two different countries. Northern Cyprus is a separate country, recognized only by Turkey. Visas of countries are in no way connected, exit from Turkey to North Cyprus does not entitle to a secondary Turkish visa or its extension or renewal. When you leave for Northern Cyprus from Turkey, you pass the passport control, where you put a stamp on leaving the country; upon arrival to North Cyprus you put a stamp-visa of Northern Cyprus on a separate leaflet.

In case you decide to stay in Turkey for 90 days, and then go for North Cyprus for 30-90 days and then go back to Turkey: On the initial arrival to Turkey from the country of which you are a citizen, you will put a visa to Turkey for 90 days. Further when you leave to the North Cyprus from Turkey in 90 days, your Turkish visa is considered to be over. At departure from Turkey you will put a stamp-exit from Turkey. Upon arrival at North Cyprus will put you on the leaflet of the visa stamp of North Cyprus for a period of 30 days, which can then be extended to 90 days, but only in the event that you have sufficient grounds for extending your visa. Next, by end of Northern Cyprus visa you are obliged to fly to the country of yours. residence and only transit through the airport of Turkey, that is return to Turkey and visa renewal are impossible. When departing from Northern Cyprus, you put a stamp on the same leaflet insert on which you previously placed North Cyprus visa.

Responds Julia Ozerge, company "Antey Tour"
When you leave the borders of any country, including Turkey (and you leave it state borders when flying to Ercan) you will put a stamp on leaving, then there is a visa close.

When you arrive at Ercan airport, then at the passport control you have choice: 1) Put a stamp on your passport. However, you should know that the Northern Visa is Cyprus in your passport may possibly create problems with entry to Greece and to the territory of southern Cyprus. 2) Put the stamp on the sheet-insert. Then you calmly visit the North Cyprus and have a clean passport without a stamp.

How do I fill in an insert sheet (usually at any border point they are in sufficient quantity)?

First line - first and last name; Second line - passport number; The third line is citizenship.

Fill out and pass the passport and the completed sheet to the customs officer. When you leave the territory of North Cyprus on the same sheet you will put a stamp about leaving. Therefore, it must be preserved.

A tourist visa can be for up to 90 days. If you do not ask, then by the default you most likely will be 30 days. Therefore, it is better to show additional documents: return ticket, hotel voucher. Or just to ask. If the visa is received for a period of less than 90 days - it can be renewed at migration department of the police up to 90 days without leaving the country.

December 11, 2014

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