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Against the background of other European countries, the prices for hotels in Norway are quite comparable, that is, the general conclusion that this country is very expensive - somewhat hastily. For example, there are discounts on weekends and summer months, and special tariffs are provided for traveling by families. At the same time, the choice is offered as a place of accommodation (in the mountains, in the forest or in the city), and the type of hotel: from traditional boarding houses to exotic ice hotels or fishing huts near the fjords.

Expert Reviews of Norway Hotels - $

Hotels in Norway
Editors of Subtleties
In Norway, hotels can be selected not only in accordance with the traditional classification by stars, the cost of accommodation or the appearance of the hotel, but also in accordance with the specific needs of the guests.
For example, in Norway there are a number of hotels for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

Network hotels

Of course, the country has representatives of the largest international hotel chains, as well as small networks of hotels represented in various regions within the country. This is Radisson Blu (former SAS) and Scandic, Best Western, First Hotels and Rica Hotels, as well as Choice and Norlandia Hotels & Resorts.

Perhaps the most unusual and memorable holiday for tourists in Norway in winter will be accommodation in the famous ice needle hotel Sorrisniva Igloo. Every year from January to March, it is located in Finnmark, on the banks of the Alta River and 15 km from the city of the same name. Despite the fragility (in the spring it simply melts, because all its furniture is built of snow and ice), it is popular with tourists and is quite a fashionable hotel.

Historical hotels

No less memorable adventure can be accommodation in the popular in Norway network of historical hotels De Historiske. It includes 29 hotels, whose buildings were built between 1380 and 1939. Their internal and external appearance corresponds to the popular architectural style - from Empire to Modern.


The growing popularity in European countries of the fashion for organic food and an environmentally friendly way of life has found its reflection in Norway. Here the adherents of the "natural" fashion can stop at the real Norwegian farms. It is not only shelter in the traditional Scandinavian style, but also natural food, plus hiking or horseback riding, fishing or boating.

Traditional huts

Close to the farms can be called traditional Hytte - the so-called "huts", that is, small houses and cottages that can be rented for as long as 1-2 days, or at least a week .They are divided into serviced (betjent) and unattended (ubetjent), that is, without any personnel, be it guard or maids, cooks and t .n .They can be located both in the urban area, and rather secluded: in forests, rivers or lakes, near fjords, in valleys and mountains..The latter are more often called Turisthytte and can take the form of a real hostel or a simple hostel with rooms for several people .

Fishing huts roрby

"Rorbu" (Rorbu) - traditional huts, once serving as a refuge for fishermen going to Lofoten Island. Now these fishing huts are adapted to authentic hotels for exotic lovers. They are located on the coast among the famous fjords in the provinces of Nordland, Møre og Romsdal, Trondelag, Tromsø and Finnmark. Adapted for hotels, they have the necessary minimum of amenities, including shower, toilet, kitchen, insulation for accommodation at any time of the year.

However, "robo" (or rurbu) is better to book in advance, especially in July and August. From a village consisting of similar huts, tourists can go on their own fishing, or try themselves as part of a group on board a local fishing boat.

Pensions in the nature

A bit less exotic, but quite traditional for Norway will be accommodation in hotels called Høyfjellshotell - most often it is a guesthouse in the mountains, in the ski resorts, Fjellstue - a guesthouse in the mountains without any complaints or Turisthotell - a normal hotel (half board or boarding house) on the coast of fjords.

Typical hotels

Of course, in the country there are also traditional hotels offering, in addition to the usual accommodation (often with breakfast), such services as rent of conference halls, rest in bars, cafes and restaurants located on the adjacent territory. There are traditional city and suburban boarding houses offering three meals a day.

For fans of "wild" accommodation it makes sense to pay attention to the so-called Vandrerhjem - a camping, youth or family tourist hostel.


As for the hostels, in Norway there are about a hundred of them, and the majority is included in the network Hostelling International Norway and VIP backpackers. Both networks offer comfortable accommodation within their class, combined with a good location. Here it is possible to accommodate both in common rooms and in separate double rooms - although in the second case the price is approaching placement in small hotels with service and often greater comfort.

Prices for accommodation in Norway are

Of course, the price of accommodation in different types of hotels in Norway will depend on the comfort, as well as the additional services and location of the hotel. Of course, a hotel in the center of Oslo or other major cities in Norway or a cozy family hotel in the woods, a SPA hotel at a ski resort or camping will be different in all respects.

On average, a single hotel room of an average hand in a city hotel on weekdays will cost the guest 800 kr (€ 110), while on weekends, in summer or on special days, its cost will be significantly reduced.

The cost of living in Rorbu or Hytte with two bedrooms will cost tourists from 600 kr (€ 80) per night. And most often this price is charged for the cottage, and not for the person. You can find options from 300 kr (€ 40).

In the mountain hotel (Fjellstue) can be accommodated for 150-300 kr (€ 20-40) per person, in a hostel, hostel or boarding house - for 150-250 kr (€ 20-35). True, in the latter most likely you will need to pay extra for bed linen, towels, and before leaving yourself to put the room in order.