The country of the winter fairy tale wandering to the road of deer, crisp underfoot and unearthly beauty of the fjords is Norway. To spend here two or three weeks of a real, cold, sunny winter, in order to enjoy the comfortable slopes, to feel happy tiredness of the muscles from the whole day on skis, to drink mulled wine and to see the surrounding beauties, thousands of skiers dream every year. Why not just make this dream come true this year when you go on a ski tour to Norway?

What you should know before buying a tour..First, the seasonality factor is .The skiing season begins in Norway from late November - early December and ends around the end of April; There is always a lot of snow, but the prices are lower at the end of the season .On New Year's dates, the cost of such tours, of course, will grow by an order of magnitude, so it is worthwhile to think carefully over the dates - it's better to go in March, and to spend the winter worthily, and extra EUR from the slope "do not lower".On the other hand, the New Year in Norway - a truly fabulous time, when it seems that the eared troll looks out from behind every tree, flutters in the air, and the cozy smoke from the chimney of the squat chalet becomes the most native and close friend after a frosty day in nature $ .

Mountain-skiing tours to Norway
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Secondly, specify the infrastructure of the resort. Fortunately, almost all the ski slopes of the country can boast of well-prepared routes, where there are special slopes for beginners and toddlers, children's parks, fan parks for snowboarders.

Finally, keep in mind that Norway is far from the Alps, and there are no such heights as in the main mountain range of Europe here. But if you are a beginner skier or a master of the middle hand - then the trails of this snow-covered country will definitely be to your liking.

The most popular resorts are Lillehammer, Geilo, Hemsedal and Trysil. We will tell briefly about each.
Norway - the country of a winter fairy tale, wandering to the road of deer, crunchy underfoot and unearthly beauty of the fjords.

Ski tours in Lillehammer

Ski tours in Lillehammer, perhaps the most popular among our compatriots - and they can be understood. The capital of the Winter Olympic Games in 1994 is one of the largest resorts in Norway. There are 39 km of trails of different levels of complexity: 10 green, 9 blue, 7 red and 4 black and about 300 km of plain trails. The difference in heights is 835 m, there is a convenient Lillehammer Ski Pass, giving the right to ride in any of the five surrounding resorts - Hafjell, Kvitfjell, Golo, Skeikampen and Shushen.

The cost of tours in Lillehammer for a week starts from 800 EUR per person, depending on the dates, star rating of the hotel and the number of excursions to the program.
Skiing in Norway is

Ski tours in Trysil

Trysil, located three hours drive from Oslo, near the border with Sweden, can boast the longest ski season - from late October to May. Ski school, 71 km of trails, 100 km of plain trails - only a part of the riches of this resort. The cost of trips to Trysil for 7 days starts from about 750 EUR, ski pass and, if necessary, the rental of equipment must be paid separately.

Ski tours in Geilo and Hemsedal

Geilo can be called one of the most picturesque ski resorts in Norway - his landscapes attracted the first athletes here already 100 years ago, and the first competitions were held in Geilo already in 1935. In total, about 39 slopes, three tracks for snowboarders, and three schools were open. The chip of this resort is the proximity to the entertainment and infrastructure of a large city, so every evening you can brighten up a glass of another scalding mulled wine in a new institution.

Hemsedal is called the "Scandinavian Alps", its tracks are immediately on three peaks: Totten (1450 m), Tinden (1444 m) and Rogin (1370 m). At the service of skiers there are 48 trails. But especially in honor this resort among snowboarders - it is recognized as one of the best resorts for catchers with a board, because there are special trails, springboards, big-airs and rails.

To rest for 10 days on skis or a board in Hemsedal and Geilo can be approximately for 1100-1200 EUR per person, for New Year prices rise significantly.
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Mountain-skiing tours to Norway