Centuries ago, people who lived in the most diverse, often opposite points of the zemshara - Siberia, the Far East, South America, Southeast Asia or Africa - believed in the same thing: the possibility of communication between a shaman in a state of ritual ecstasy, with spirits . A resident of the modern world, not fond of esoteric literature, like this will seem absurd, but here for the ancient tribes in the deaf of the Amazon shamanism is still alive all the living . Yes, and travelers who visited them are often inclined to several to depart from their former purely material worldview . Scientists studying the traditions and medicines of the ancestors of the indigenous peoples of Peru, and consider shamanism to be one of the types of medicine .

Ceremony of healing by shamans in the jungles of Peru

Shamansim today

Modern shamans of the Amazon - a very smart people . Popularity among white gringos taught them to create the right entourage for their rites, turning them into spectacular spectacle . Therefore, on such ceremonial ee clothing, play on musical whiskers and clapper, burn incense . And it can not be said that all this is an absolutely unnecessary props: it can quite drive a sensible tourist into a certain numbness . However, real shamans, as a rule, Avoid so vulgar means of attracting attention . Their rituals take place in neat, clean clothes of white color and without any "trinkets" and incense, not counting smoking very strong tobacco .


Ceremonies are of two kinds: "healing" and "seeing." In the first case, the emphasis is on cleansing the person, and in the second - on the opening of the so-called "third eye". By the way, if the tourist puts healing for the purpose of his participation in the rite, it is necessary to prepare for the ceremony in advance. And not only during the whole route, getting through impassable jungle, but also adhering to a certain diet still at home.

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Yagua Indians
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