How to dress when resting in Doha?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Qatar is a Muslim country..To tourists here are quite loyal, but to respect local religion and traditions we highly recommend .For recreation and especially walks around the city outside the tourist zone it is better to choose in favor of restrained dresses and skirts of reasonable length .To wear shorts in Doha is not forbidden, on the beaches swimwear is allowed .As for short skirts and open tops, in clubs and near hotels they are quite loyal to this, but it's better not to walk along the street: at best, they will make a remark, and it is not particularly pleasant when, because of an open dress, they will look at you as a fallen woman .

In addition, give preference to clothing made of lightweight fabrics. Going to the desert, take water on a trip.

May 23, 2014

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