The coast of the Black Sea extends from the Danube to the north and up to the Vama-Veche to the south. It is divided into two sections - the northern one, with a relief typical of deltas and lagoons (between Musura and Midia Point), and the southern one, with a high steep bank, bays and capes (between Cape Media and the Vama-Veche area near the border with Bulgaria).

With the help of local sapropelic mud at seaside resorts, rheumatic, gynecological and skin diseases are treated, as well as metabolic disorders. Here you can take courses on rejuvenation using the unique technique of Professor Anna Aslan.

Main resorts: Mamaia, Constanta, Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Costinesti, Neptune-Olympus, Jupiter, Cap-Aurora, Venus, Saturn and Mangalia .

Climate of the Black Sea coast of Romania

On the Romanian coast the climate is dry, steppe, similar to the Crimean. The tourist season lasts from the second half of May to October.

Beaches of the Black Sea coast of Romania

Beaches are wide, sandy, smoothly descending into the sea. The sand itself is always velvety, golden, clean and shallow. The bottom is level, without cliffs. The beach faces east, so you can swim comfortably early in the morning, minimizing the dose of harmful ultraviolet. The widest beaches are located in Mangalia and Tekirgiol, where their width reaches 250 m, and at other resorts - from 50 to 200 meters. The sea is calm everywhere, without strong tides.


Near the sea there are lakes Costinesti, Agigiol and Nuntash, so beach holidays can be combined with recovery. With the help of local sapropelic mud at the seaside resorts treat rheumatic, gynecological and skin diseases, as well as metabolic disorders. Here you can take courses on rejuvenation using the unique technique of Professor Anna Aslan.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions

Tourists can visit the Greek fortresses of Histria, Tomis (now Constanta) and Kalatis (now Mangalia). From the coast, you can make excursions to the Danube Delta (~ 60 EUR), in the monasteries of Bukovina, Bucharest (~ 60 EUR), the Prahova Valley or go to Bulgaria (~ 80 EUR). Another option is wine tasting in Murfatlar (~ 30 EUR). Sightseeing tour of Bucharest (~ 35 EUR), overview of Transylvania (~ 55 EUR). Excursions around the castles: Castle of Dracula, Bran + Brasov + Ryshnov (~ 35 EUR), Castles Peles + Pelischor, Sinai Monastery (~ 30 EUR) .- $

For a trip to Bulgaria, you need to pre-arrange a visa in Moscow, and Romanian visa should in this case be double.

Tennis, billiards, mini-golf, bowling, horse riding and motor scooters are popular on the coast.