March 1
 Weather in Saratov Clear

- 2 ° С in the daytime, - 7 ° С at night , ° water

March 2
 Weather in Saratov Clearly

- 3 ° С Day, - 8 ° C at night , ° water

March 3
 Weather in Saratov Cloudyly

- 6 ° С in the daytime, - 8 ° С at night , ° water

March 4
 Weather in Saratov Overcast

- 5 ° С in the daytime, - 9 ° С at night , ° С water

March 5
 Weather in Saratov Cloudy

@ -7 ° С in the daytime, - 9 ° С at night , ° С water

March 6
 Weather in Saratov Cloudyly

- 5 ° С in the daytime, - 8 ° С at night , ° С water

March 7
 Weather in Saratov Overcast

- 4 ° С in the afternoon, - 8 ° С night , ° water

March 8
 Weather in Saratov Cloudy

- 3 ° С in the daytime, - 8 ° C at night , ° water

March 9
 Weather in Saratov Clearly

0 ° С in the afternoon, - 5 ° С at night , ° C water

March 10
 Weather in Saratov Clear

- 4 ° С by day , - 9 ° C at night , ° water

11 March
 Weather in Saratov Clear

- 5 ° С in the afternoon, - 6 ° С at night , ° С water

March 12
 Weather in Saratov Cloudy, light rain

+ 1 ° C by day, - 6 ° C by night @, ° C water

March 13
 Weather in Saratov Clearly

0 ° С by day , - 7 ° С at night , ° @ water

 Weather in Saratov
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Saratov is a large cultural, educational and economic center located on the southeast of the European part of Russia . The climate here is moderately continental, winter is long, cold and snowy . Summer is usually hot . The average annual air temperature in Saratov is +7, 1 ° C . The coldest month in the year is considered February with an average temperature of -7-9 ° C . And in the warmest month of the year - July: the air warms up to +22 ° C . In the transitional off-season periods dy possible spike in temperature, so it is best to always have on hand a hat or umbrella .

summer and autumn the most precipitation falls in Saratov. The rainiest month is July. The dryest, oddly enough, is considered to be April.

Winter in Saratov begins by the end of November . The air temperature constantly keeps below 0 ° C, it often snows . On average, the thermometer bars show -5-9 in winter ° C . Closer to February there are strong frosts . Especially cautious at this time you need to be on the roads: a strong wind, along with an abundant snow cover, causes storms, due to which almost zero visibility is created . Steadily cold inclement weather persists most of February, and only in the middle of March clearly traced the first signs of spring . The air temperature is set at 0 ° C, frozen in December The Volga begins to get rid of the ice cover, snow melts everywhere . The sunny weather in Saratov is often replaced by rains that spring often enough . Average daily air temperature - from + 5-15 ° C .

The first signs of spring in Saratov are only apparent by the middle of March: the air temperature is set at 0 ° C, frozen in December, the Volga begins to get rid of the ice cover, snow is melting everywhere.

After the rain The heat of the spring comes to Saratov hot and dry summer . The peak of the heat falls between mid-July and mid-August . The average air temperature is +20 ° C, sometimes the air warms up to +35 ° C in the daytime, and at night the thermometer bars rarely fall below +20 ° C .Such indicators are usually preserved until September . It is possible to escape from the suffocating heat in the numerous parks and gardens of the city . The climatic autumn in Saratov comes in the middle of September and lasts till the end of November . The first half of autumn is warm enough and dry . @ The days are sunny, and the temperature is kept at + 15-20 ° C . In the second half, heavy rains begin . Weather in Saratov at this time is cloudy and damp . Average daily temperature drops to + 5-10 ° C, and by the end of November - to 0 ° C . Thus, the best time Means to visit the city - August and early September, when the heat has already receded, and to the chill is still far away .

Weather in Saratov by months

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
In the afternoon - 7 - 6 + 0 + 13 + 22 + 26 + 28 + 27 + 20 + 10 + 1 - 4
at night - 14 - 13 - 7 + 3 + 10 + 15 + 17 + 15 + 10 + 3 - 4 - 10