The bath in Russia is not just a bathing-and-sweating complex . It's about one of the symbols of our country, everywhere accepted here is the phenomenon . It's nothing strange and surprising that a significant part of tourists who made a bid for "Russian holidays" ", Necessarily visits the sauna in the places of their stay . Experienced swimmers are ready not only to" treat "overseas guests with a birch broom, but also to share with them the secrets of accepting the pleasant and at the same time useful procedures of a truly Russian bath, rooted in the distant past loye .

 Famous Sandunas  Bath tourism - how Russia attracts guests from abroad. - $

Famous Sandunas . Mass visit to the pair began in the 13th century ±​​$ br > At that time, even a poor family had its own bath - Russian people in old times were remarkable for their cleanliness . There were two ways to start a steam room: "in white" and "black" . In the first case, smoke on the street got through the pipe . In the second, he went directly to the room, whose walls after airing were watered . A typical Russian tradition is washing in ovens (designs impressive size) . First, they cooked on it, and then, after laying in a straw, a man sat down there . Steam sucked, walling the wall with water or kvass . The effect after such procedures was practically the same as from an ordinary steam room .

Modern shops offering visitors everything for baths, present ready-made brooms. The traditional approach to the reduction of procedures implied their independent knitting. Birch, linden, oak, aspen and other trees were used as a basis. The head of the family (as a rule, he was responsible for the brooms) soaked branches in boiling water, sprinkled them with kvass, heated over hot stones. As a result, the brooms radiated an amazing aroma, lost stiffness, the leaves did not stick to the body. Immediately, the steaming procedure started after the preparation of the brooms.

Today you find it hard to believe, but a few centuries ago in the baths, men and women washed together . The very premises for the adoption of procedures were single-storey buildings (housed three compartments: a dressing room , soap and steam room), located on the shore of the reservoir . For Europeans it was a wonder that stripped and steamed people ran out of the steam room in large groups, completely not hesitating each other . Many foreigners specially came to Russia, usually marvel at an unprecedented spectacle . So, the first "bath tourists" began to stay with us many centuries ago, when the word "tourism" itself did not exist in principle .