Cause time - fun hour. The old kind proverb is relevant even when organizing, it would seem, such an exceptionally festive event as a corporate holiday in the suburbs. And it is not surprising: while employees will enjoy nature, delicious food and each other's society, the leader should not forget about the main goal of the trip - team building, training, seminar or a loud meeting of the company's anniversary with far-reaching consequences ... But everything in order .

What 99% of people know about corporate or team building in the suburbs? What ends it with a headache for the morning and a dozen funny cases, about which everyone wants to rather forget .What does the company get from this? As a rule, nothing is .It's time to learn how to conduct a fun, useful and unforgettable corporate holiday in the suburbs, which will not only relax your soul and body, but also be charged with cheerfulness and working mood for the whole year ahead! What is needed for this? A team of professionals who knows their business "from and to," and will tell you how exactly you can spend corporate vacation in the country..

So, the first thing that a knowledgeable business will pay attention to, the event manager is a subtle compliance with the corporate style and culture of the company. In addition, he must be sensitive to the marketing sense of the event, register all the main points in the script and take into account all the wishes. And, of course, to offer a suitable option for a full-fledged team building or active corporate recreation.

For example, today the organization of corporate leisure implies:

  • "Branded" events dedicated to the company's festive dates or timed to traditional holidays
  • sporting events
  • organization of seminars and conferences
  • entertaining trips for the purpose of team building
  • active corporate leisure
  • team trainings and much more.
Corporatives in the suburbs of Resting - we work, or what should be a real corporate in the suburbs
Corporate vacation in the cityhttp: // export = view & id = 1klawUfk-AUEEvebi6qwnfyoEIJjyu0iA Resting - we work, or what should be a real corporate in the suburbs

All these types of corporations "work out" several goals at once, which in a simple party outside the city can not be solved. For example, an event manager can advise you to hold an event where you can invite not only employees of the company, but also important customers and partners. What for? To increase the loyalty of guests, to give them a sense of their importance, to show solidarity and focus on the success of their team. Of course, it is necessary to plan such corporate rest in the Moscow region in advance.

Another option is to spend an active and full of bright events corporate vacation with a part of the game with elements of exciting games, quests and sports. This will allow employees to understand by their own example how important is the strong and friendly support of a colleague. How important it is to understand each other with a half-word. How quickly results are achieved when one goal is pursued!

Needless to say, having trusted the services of a professional company and event-managers, all questions will disappear with the search for a suitable hotel or boarding house, decorating the hall, music accompaniment? The benefit of the Moscow region is so rich in picturesque places where cozy hotels with a full range of services are waiting for their guests - from high-grade pools to intricate paintball grounds .It is enough to take one of the most important decisions - what kind of corporate recreation should be in nature in the suburbs: a heavy duty to spend the whole day at a table or a busy event that will be remembered for a long time by employees and will bring invaluable benefit to the company .The organization of corporate events is best entrusted to specialists $ $ .