Kizhi is a group of small islands in the skerries of the southern part of the Zaonezhsky Peninsula. One of them is the Kizhi Pogost, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and became the basis of the famous architectural museum-reserve "Kizhi". This is one of the first historical, architectural and ethnographic museums in Russia in the open air, it contains monuments of architecture, household items and icons that for three centuries were created by Russians, Karelians and Veps in different territories of the region.

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  • 1 How to get to Kizhi
  • 2 Climate
    • 2.1 Phone Numbers
  • 3 Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Kizhi
  • 4 Exposure
    • 4.1 We also recommend

How to get to Kizhi

There are daily flights on the "comet" from Petrozavodsk at 8:45 and at 11:30. The cost of travel 1990 RUR adults, children under 12 years - 50% discount. Travel time 1, 5 hours.

The cost of excursion service is 180 rubles. (adult) and 70 rubles. (students, students).

In winter and spring, a helicopter flies to Kizhi.

In 2010, the only carrier on about. Kizhi - LLC "Tour Holding" Karelia "- warned about a significant rise in price for transportation. The flow of tourists in 2009 on about. Kizhi was reduced by approximately 40% compared to 2008 due to an unreasonably high cost, one can only guess how much it will decline further.


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime -6 -6 + 0 + 5 + 12 + 17 + 20 + 18 + 12 + 5 + 0 -3
night -13 -13 -8 -2 + 3 + 7 + 10 + 9 + 5 + 1 -3 -9
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Phone Numbers

Directorate: Petrozavodsk, Neglinskaya nab., 23; tel .: (8142) 78-00-87, 76-70-91 (Petrozavodsk); tel .: (8142) 51-93-06, 51-98-25 (Kizhi Island)

Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Kizhi

The museum-reserve collected 89 monuments of traditional wooden architecture under the open sky: ancient chapels and houses, mills and barns, rigs and hung ... The pearl of the collection is the 22nd chapter of the Transfiguration Church, 37 meters high, built in the early 18th century. Next to it, emphasizing its greatness and harmony, the winter church of the Intercession of the Virgin and the bell tower were erected.

The interior of the Church of the Intercession of the Theotokos and peasant houses are open for visitors. In the huts are demonstrated traditional peasant crafts, over the island ringing bells. The colorful performance of the Folklore and Ethnographic Theater of the Museum will complement the idea of ​​the life of the peasants. Unforgettable experience will be given to tourists, whose stay on the island will coincide with one of the museum holidays.

In 1993, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the architectural collection of the museum was included in the State Code of Highly Valued Objects of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia.

Other attractions: the bell tower and the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus (15th c.) - the oldest monument of the museum, residential peasant houses, at different times brought to the territory of the reserve.


The basis of the exposition of the museum "Kizhi" - peasant houses of the Olonets province of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, converted into museums .Houses, barns, bathhouses and chapels form architectural and ethnographic complexes that model settlements characteristic of different regions of Karelia .In the Intercession Church of the Kizhi Pogost, the interior of the winter northern church with a tyaport iconostasis is formed .The exhibition of ancient Russian painting in the refectory of the church presents icons from churches and chapels of Kizhi Island and its environs .In the vestibule of the church - a small exhibition dedicated to the history of the Kizhi Orthodox parish .Since 1995, the Church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin is held worship services .In three Zaonezhsky manors, located near the churchyard, recreated the interiors of residential and economic buildings, equipped with exhibitions dedicated to peasant culture .Masters demonstrate the art of weaving, embroidery, beading, making dishes and toys..

The collection of ethnography of the urban population, which includes samples of furniture, household utensils, clothing and ornaments, as well as a significant number of family photo albums, photographs and documents belonging to residents of Petrozavodsk.

On the island of Kizhi

In the collection of the museum-reserve "Kizhi" you can find a variety of examples of carving wood. The museum's funds hold a large number of painted spinning wheels, household items, furniture. One of the most ancient skills - weaving from bark, roots and branches of trees is represented by a large collection of objects: baskets of different shapes and purposes, shoulder bags - purses, birch bark chests, cradles, bottles and barrels for storing grain, children's toys and fishing gear. ±​​$ The Bells, bell bells, bells.

In the collection of the museum there are not only church bells, but also singing bellbells and bells, whose ring was adorned with dull versts of long roads, as well as bells - "botalas", measuring tapping accompanied by cattle grazing in the forest.

The basis of the collection "Ancient Russian Painting" is made up of icons from the temples of the Kizhi churchyard, as well as churches and chapels of Oboyezhye .The special value of the collection is in the fullness of the iconostasis complexes, which is extremely rare in museum collections .In the northern temples, the logical continuation of the iconostasis was the painting on the ceiling, which was called the "sky" .The museum stores one of the best in Russia collection of "skies" from churches and chapels of the surrounding area about .Kizhi, Zaonezhye and Pudozhye .Also in the collection are painted or carved details of ancient tzablova and carved gilded iconostasis, goddesses, many "home" icons adorned with red corners and even whole walls in peasant cottages and rooms + $ .

The collection of copper-cast plastics of the Kizhi museum preserves the development of the art of the Old Believers' workshops, beginning with the early stages of the existence of cinematography.

The museum's funds hold manuscripts and early printed books of the 17th and 18th centuries, original works of the "Pomorian elders", chronicles of the life of the Zaonezh families, fragments of peasant libraries.

Photos of Kizhi (22)