Diveevo - one of those places on earth, which is especially protected by the MostHoly Mother of God .According to legend, she herself chose him as her fourth earthly destiny, announcing this to Mother Alexander .It was to this village, stretched on the bank of the Vichkin river, that Mother came from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra for the foundation of the new monastery .Now here is the Serafimo-Diveevsky (also called the Holy Trinity) nunnery - the place where the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov are stored .It is believed that the Virgin is here every day, so if you stay in Holy Diveevo for at least one night, you can enlist its blessing .Pilgrimage tours in Diveevo are an invaluable opportunity not only to feel God's grace, but also to quench spiritual thirst by bowing to the ancient Orthodox shrines .

Pilgrimage tours in Diveevo are an invaluable opportunity not only to feel God's grace, but also to quench spiritual thirst by bowing to Orthodox shrines.
Holy Trinity and Seraphim-Diveevo Convent in Diveevo Pilgrimage tours in Diveevo
Kazan holy spring in Diveevohttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1mnPVtepLtHG3H5KlPcWz_q0RsTayJJff Pilgrimage tours in Diveevo

Tour programs

Variants of pilgrim trips to Diveevo a great variety of .You can, for example, choose a direct bus tour from Moscow .Depending on the program, the departure is scheduled for late evening at 22:00, so that the next day in the morning it will be already in place, or vice versa in the morning, in this case in Diveevo you arrive approximately at 17:00 .The standard program of pilgrimage includes a visit to the holy spring of St. Seraphim of Sarov, a visit to the Holy Trinity and Transfiguration cathedrals, the Church of the Nativity of Christ, the Kazan Church, the Mother of God's Canal, as well as the evening and morning services in Diveevo..

Additional activities are possible in the program. So, within the framework of the tour, you can go to the village of Suvorovo, where the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin is located, to visit the Vyzdnoye village in the vicinity of Arzamas - there is kept the miraculous Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. Or make a pilgrimage tour of Arzamas with a visit to the Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Speaker, the temple of the icon of the Mother of God "Tear My Sorrows," the St. Nicholas Convent.

Standard three-day tour in Diveevo costs from 3900 RUB, this price includes excursion support by an Orthodox guide and transfers by bus. In addition paid accommodation (from 500 RUB), excursions, meals.

Other types of tours involve a railway crossing from Moscow to Arzamas, then a bus transfer to Diveevo. Trains to Arzamas depart from the Kazan railway station of the capital every day and arrive at the railway station "Arzamas-II", where an Orthodox guide meets you. The tour program is about the same.

The cost of a tour lasting 4 days starts from 3 thousand RUB, hotel accommodation and railway tickets are paid separately.

Duration of tours is

By duration, pilgrimage tours in Diveevo are the most varied .There are very short trips that take only two days .The program traditionally includes a visit to Diveevo and a choice of Arzamas or Murom .In addition, you can go on a three-day or four-day pilgrimage tour .During this time, you will have time to get more acquainted with the shrines of Diveevo, Arzamas and Murom .Tours lasting from 5 days include an additional visit to the village of Paigarma with the Paraskevo-Ascension Convent and the village of Sanaksara, where the Nativity-Theotokos Monastery of Sanaxar is .

Diveevo. The Holy Gap

Recommendations to pilgrims

Good service on the trip to you is comfortable shoes without heels. It is desirable for women to bring along a skirt below the knees and a headscarf (for pilgrims - a strictly long skirt and a head covered with a shawl). Men should not take shorts, and shirts should be with long sleeves.

Do not forget the rules of behavior in holy places. In churches, one should not talk loudly, eat and communicate by phone.

Remember that you need to approach the miracle-working icon according to the rules. Before approaching her, they usually bow twice, then pray with a prayer to the cancer, then another thanksgiving.

For a trip to Diveevo, take with you a bottle of oil, a bag for crackers and a bag for the land from the Holy Grove of the Mother of God.

All prices are shown as of December 2014

All articles on the theme "Pilgrimage Tours"
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  • History of Orthodox pilgrimage
  • Pilgrimage tours to Greece
  • Pilgrimage tours in Diveevo
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  • On the holy places of Byzantium
  • Holy places of Europe
Pilgrimage tours in Diveevo