While the tourist flow of Russians to the countries of the European Union is reduced by tens of percent, the hotels of the Russian Federation, which, thanks to the growth of the rate of the European currency and the dollar, are an absolute advantage in the eyes of their compatriots, are preparing to accommodate all tourists who chose internal tourism and want to book a hotel in Russia.

Article Russian tourism search for new solutions even in conditions of unconditional advantage Russian tourism: searching for new solutions even in conditions of unconditional advantage

Russian tourism, nevertheless, does not plan to rest on the unexpectedly received laurels. The devaluation of the ruble is not a reason for inaction, but an incentive for further development and recovery of the relevant industry, activists believe and reinforce their words with decisive and effective measures. Hotels in Russia are ready to accommodate guests, and the Russian Military Historical Society, in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Tourism, plans in 2015 to launch a new federal program called "Travel across Russia."

In the jubilee year of the Great Victory this program will be closely connected with the memory of the war, military feats, military glory. The objects of the show will be memorials, historical reconstructions and places of hostilities.

Voronezh hotels will be waiting for all those Russians who are interested in a specially organized hiking route through the places of bloody battles in Ostrogozhsky region, Bryansk hotels - those who are interested in aviation and the history of the international underground. Tourists who came to admire the biological museum of Kuzbass, Archekas, where, among other things, there are still trenches from the time of the Civil War, can book a hotel in Kemerovo.

In addition, the program includes the distribution of souvenirs, as well as a massive advertising campaign, focusing on the benefits of domestic tourism, which will be broadcast in the buildings of stations and airports.

So, even now, when trips to the European Union are much more expensive for Russians than usual, our tourism is not just working to service the increased flow of customers, but is also looking for new solutions and ways to keep this customer in the future.