Solovki is a kind of monument of the human spirit. Only strong people with great willpower and iron character could live here. For Russians, the Solovetsky Islands are associated with tragic events for the country. Here is a very beautiful nature, which is ready to strangle an unprepared person in its embrace.

Solovki is an archipelago in the White Sea, consisting of 6 large and more than 100 small islands. Once there lived exclusively monks, hiding from worldly vanity. Today tourists come to the islands: someone from idle curiosity, someone - in search and knowledge of themselves.

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search air tickets to the city of Petrozavodsk (nearest a / p to Solovki)
  • 2 Transport
  • 3 Kitchen, restaurants
  • 4 Hotels Solovki
  • 5 Shops
  • 6 Excursions, entertainment and attractions Solovki
    • 6.1 Solovetsky Monastery
    • 6.2 Negotiation Stone
    • 6.3 Filippovskiye cages
    • 6.4 Stone mazes
    • 6.5 Monastery skits
    • 6.6 We also recommend

How to get

Solovki are connected with the mainland by sea and by air. On the Big Island there is an airport that accepts regular flights from Arkhangelsk, Moscow and Petrozavodsk. The frequency of flights depends on the weather - the island is often raging strong wind, there is a high cloud cover, visibility deteriorates.

Water communication with the mainland passes through the village of Rabocheostrovsk and Belomorsk. You can get to Solovki by boat or by boat. Navigation on the white sea begins usually in June. But in this case, much depends on the weather: when the storm is above 4 points, you will not go anywhere.

You can also use the cruise lines. Several motor ships go to Solovki from Moscow. Frequency - 2 times a month. You can get to the Solovetsky Islands by boat from Kemi, also a fast motor ship "Kometa" runs from Belomorsk.

Search air tickets to the city of Petrozavodsk (nearest a / p to Solovki)


Local roads are surprising, irritating and besyat car owners. There are no asphalted roads on Solovki. By car faster than 20 kilometers per hour you will not ride. Local residents carry minibuses, SUVs and trucks. Many people buy motorcycles and bicycles - so you can quickly get to the right point.

Often on the streets there are tractors and cartage. Local color is manifested in everything - and in the names of horses, and how they are harnessed, and how slowly and slowly they go.

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Kitchen, restaurants

The cafe on Solovki is a common public catering, offering an uncomplicated cuisine. Breakfast on average will cost 200 rubles, lunch or dinner - at 300-400 rubles.

Here you can try cold drinks from wild berries - blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries. Very tasty juices, not a pair of fakes from our supermarkets.

4 things that you definitely need to do on Solovki
  1. Communicate with the local residents - the people on Solovki are good-natured and friendly, all residents are leisurely, calm. From them you can learn many interesting stories about the life of monks and about where on the island are wonderful places with untouched nature.
  2. Ride on a boat on fresh lakes - on the Big Solovetsky lake more than 600 lakes. They are connected by channels and smoothly pass into each other.
  3. Write a picture - even if you do not know how to draw, you will still feel a rush of inspiration. You will want to capture the beauty of Solovki. Photographers and artists try to get to the island in the winter.
  4. Privacy - wander around the island alone. Usually in silence the most important thoughts and feelings are born.

Hotels Solovki

You can stay in a hotel or private sector in the village of Solovetsky. Want to put a tent in a tent camp - get permission from local authorities.

Several hotels work on Solovki. Do not wait for increased comfort and royal service - everything is simple, without frills. Tourists are offered double, triple rooms, in hotels - dining room, sauna, billiard room.

Stock up on patience: hot water is sometimes provided by water heaters.

It is best to reserve seats in advance. On Solovki, tourist groups are a priority, so it's not easy for singles to get to a hotel.

As for the private sector, today on the island apartments and houses are rented by almost all residents. The average cost is 300 rubles per seat. The house will cost a couple of thousand, but it is designed for 4-5 people. Tourists on Solovki are happy, since travelers are one of the few ways to earn.

Tents on the island can be placed only in designated places. Otherwise, you will be asked to retire, and it is possible that you will pay a fine.


On the island with food everything is all right. There are preserved here from the Soviet times raypo - shops, where you can buy anything you like. So it's difficult to stay hungry on Solovki, if that - you can ask for food from local residents.

Souvenir shops offer tourists paintings of Arkhangelsk artists, antiques, various crafts for the memory of the island. If you're lucky, you'll come to the exhibition of the northern roe deer. This is such a local sweetness, which is almost not found in other regions of the country.

Solovki from a bird's-eye view

Excursions, entertainment and attractions Solovki

Usually tourists come to Solovki for a couple of days. Still, the local climate requires adaptation, which is not everyone's liking, and most often the islands are visited on weekends - to roll back and forth.

Solovetsky Monastery

Solovetsky Monastery was built in the 15th century. It is located between the Holy Lake and the Bay of Well-being on the Great Solovetsky Island. Its architectural ensemble includes: Solovetsky Savior Transfiguration Cathedral, Blagoveshchenskaya Gate Church, monastery fortress, monastery settlement and hermitages, a unique system of hydraulic structures and other structures.

In the 1920s, a prison was located in the monastery, and a special purpose camp on the island. In the 90 years the monastery again continued its activity.

Negotiation Stone

This is a stone-monument, which refers to the events of the Crimean War of 1854. Then the British offered the inhabitants of the monastery to surrender, and after the refusal they bombed the island. Surprisingly the monastery practically did not suffer. The invaders did not dare to land the landing and swam away.

Filippovskiye cages

This is one of the bays, which was distant from the sea and turned into a repository of live fish. At this step, the locals went because the sea was often stormy, so it was impossible to fish.

On Solovki is a very beautiful nature, which is ready to strangle in its embrace an unprepared person.

Stone mazes

For the first time people appeared on the Solovetsky archipelago in the V millennium BC. On the islands pagan buildings were erected, some of them were made in the form of labyrinths. Labyrinths are lined with stone and look like spiral circles. It's impossible to get lost here.

Monastery skits

On the large Solovetsky island there are several monastic monasteries, where various products were harvested. For example, the monastery on Sekirnaya mountain - berry, Savvatievsky monastery - garden, Isakovsky - fishing, Sergiev-Radonezh on the island of Bolshaya Muksalma - cattle yard.

Photo of the Solovki (39)