What are the bus tours on the route Samara-Kazan-Samara?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Residents of Samara, Togliatti and Samara region can get to know Kazan, going on a weekend tour. Bus tour to Kazan is the best variant of organizing such a trip to one of the most beautiful cities of our country. By the way, such a trip is not tiresome compared to longer bus trips, but it is very interesting in content.

The special charm of Kazan is that here, just 350 km from Samara, Europe and Asia meet. Here, tourists can fully appreciate the national color of Tatarstan and all the luxury of the East.

Of course, the schedule of arrivals, the program of the tour, the contents of excursions, accommodation options for the night and the cost of a two-day tour from Togliatti and Samara to Kazan should be specified depending on the season. The average price starts from 3000 RUB for economy class accommodation. At the same time, the cost of the bus tour already includes excursion and accompaniment during the tour, admission to various objects on the tour program and medical insurance.

July 8, 2014

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