The desire to attract an increasing number of visitors to well-known resorts and small towns pushes the owners of hotel complexes to the most unpredictable steps. If a few decades ago, the hotels tried to build on the principle of massiveness and respectability, today this is no surprise, and fashionable buildings, united by a single theme, become a luxury that is only available to really large global tourist corporations.

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Owners of small private hotels today are experimenting with a qualitatively different approach - in the external and internal design of the building the main attention is paid to the formation of character and individuality. After all, visitors remember not those hotels that are similar to others, but those that strike with their unconventionality and originality. Therefore, many world-renowned tour operators are increasingly moving away from the classical canons of construction and design, bringing more and more art to their new hotels.

And if the exterior design of the hotel is still more or less predictable, then in the interior arrangement of the premises the stylists allow themselves to combine the seemingly incompatible things. For example, you can often see in the hotel room massive furniture in the form of an Empire and a huge plasma panel on the whole wall, or notice stretch ceilings decorated with pilasters and plaster moldings for antiquity.

The greatest difficulty in decorating the interior of the hotel is precisely the choice of style .After all, despite a fairly free interpretation of the design approaches that are prevalent today in the whole world, no one denies the fact that it is not worthwhile to combine under the same roof the stylistics of the house ethno and the new urban style, elegant expressionism and the shocking avant-garde .Everything should be in moderation, and everything should look organically and thoughtfully, taking into account not only the nature of the institution, but also part of the world, the country and even the city in which the hotel is located .

Is it possible to imagine that a hotel will be built in Novgorod, similar in appearance to the Australian "Sail" in appearance and in the interior design to the romantic Hawaiian bungalows. However, if you combine correctly in the interior different technologies and materials, for example, bamboo wallpaper and light laminate, arched vaults and domed stretch ceilings, Novgorod will be quite proud of the result, especially if the hotel reflects the local historical architectural tendencies.