Ekaterinburg - pride and decoration of the Ural region .Located on the border of Europe and Asia, he claims a high title - the city of two parts of the world .Developed industry, historical importance, modern infrastructure, make it the center of attention of businessmen, tourists and active rest admirers..And for this interest the city pays a hundredfold to its guests .As hospitable hosts, Ekaterinburg hotels open their doors to visitors .The most whimsical taste, unusual desire and any purse will be satisfied with service and quality of services .

Ekaterinburg hotels - class and service level of your choice

View of Yekaterinburg

Conditionally all the hotels of the city can be divided by the level of service or, in other words, by the number of "stars" in so-called high-ranking hotels or 5-star hotels: with chic, expensive rooms and the highest class service..They are located, often in the city center or near historical places, have a rich assortment of additional services, and the only drawback is the unwillingness of a guest to leave this truly hospitable paradise..In order not to fall under the enchanting magic of this luxury, you can choose hotels in Ekaterinburg with a sufficient level of service, which in our classification apply for 4 stars, and differ from the highest rank of hotels only luxury and wealth of rooms .The level of service and additional service are not inferior in quality and diversity .

Located in their territory, conference halls, restaurants, fitness centers, will be the key to successful business meetings and a pleasant stay for tourists..If your plans include an optimal ratio of price and quality of rest, then Ekaterinburg hotels with 3 stars are waiting for their visitors with open arms .It is their rooms that are most in demand among tourists and guests planning a long stay in the city .Travel budget is limited, do not worry, your wallet will pleasantly surprise hotels with a minimum set of services - 2 stars .Here you will be offered comfortable rooms and an elementary complex of customer service, and the only inconvenience will be their territorial distance from the city center .However, this will not cause any discomfort, as the transport company that will provide its transportation services will leave you with exceptionally good impressions of the trip .

Classification of rooms in hotels in Yekaterinburg

As much as possible taking care of their customers, hotel facilities provide accommodation with a different list of services and amenities. Proceeding from this, all hotels in Ekaterinburg have luxury rooms, standard and economy packages. Choosing a hotel of high class, you can save money by choosing an economy offer, while using all the provided hotel services, which will positively affect the quality of rest and on the status of your account. The key to a successful journey is the choice of a reliable transportation company.

It can be assumed that if you are interested in Yekaterinburg hotels, just like in the near future you will be a guest of this wonderful city. In this case, having determined the range of services and the level of the hotel, having booked the desired number, it is important to remember: the pre-selected transport company, for making trips around the city and providing other transportation services, will save you from unplanned waste and ensure guaranteed safety on the road.

We wish you unforgettable impressions and a pleasant stay in Yekaterinburg! The material was prepared in the company "Aiteks."