The word "Gelendzhik" has long been synonymous with a high-class, bright and colorful holiday at sea. Today the resort is a favorite destination for tourists of many countries. The coastline of this Black Sea resort is considered the longest in the world. Its length is more than a hundred kilometers. It is very popular with tourists from all over the world who come here in large numbers. This is understandable, because there is something to see!

First of all - it's just a great place for hiking. Unusually beautiful bay, bordered by the majestic Caucasus Mountains, looks just magical. It originates at one of the cape of the city, and ends - on the opposite. This place seems to be specially created for tourists. Lovers of sunbathing can enjoy a hot sun, lying on a sandy beach and contemplating the beauty here. For people who love water sports, there is also plenty of room here.

The resort town of Gelendzhik, stretching along the coastline, includes such famous resorts as Kabardinka, Betta, Praskoveevka and others . It comes in with its edges on two capes - Thin and Thick . Nowadays Gelendzhik is considered a fairly developed and dynamic city . . Most of the houses are hotels or hotels . The whole asphalt streets, decorated with greenery of trees, are always clean and tidy . These places are all about true to their status of high-class rest with five stars ±​​$$ Even if you are not able to spend big money for living in elite hotels, rest assured - any small and cozy health resort in Gelendzhik will not disappoint you with its service, it is always at the highest level .

Here you will find various options for a pleasant and interesting pastime. For example, you can climb the Marcotsky Ridge, from where the stunningly beautiful view opens. There are also two cable cars, which are definitely worth a ride. In addition, three water parks are open in Gelendzhik in the season from May to October: Dolphin, Zolotaya Bukhta and Behemoth. They are located in different parts of the city and are a favorite place among tourists with children.

Now stop is not stopping in hotels and hotels, but in private sectors. Many people do so for a number of reasons. Firstly - it is profitable for money. The cost of living in some private sectors is an order of magnitude lower than in a hotel. Secondly - it's silence and comfort, absence of strangers and proximity to the sea.

In general, Gelendzhik is an ideal place for lovers of a diverse and interesting holiday for every taste!

Gelendzhik Resort City