After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian citizens massively rushed to foreign resorts - to fill the gaps that formed during the time of "delays" . Foreign rest in fashion so far, the resorts of Turkey and Egypt have already become literally native and quite Russian . But many forget that in the territory of our huge homeland there are wonderful corners where you can relax fun and with health benefits. $ . One of such corners is Karelia . There is everything that a tourist needs - fresh and clean air, beautiful landscapes, a wide variety of entertainment . By the way speaking, in Karelia there is an occupation for anyone, no matter how non-standard your hobbies were, here you will certainly find something for yourself .

 Kinds of Karelia

Tourism for active people

It's unquestionable to go to Karelia for those who do not like to spend their holidays lying on a bed in front of the TV . Such activists usually prefer sneakers and comfortable sportswear for swimsuits and dresses, because on vacation they will run, jump, climb mountains, take part in alloys on the hills rivers . In Karelia there is everything for such tourists . There they can ride on bikes and quad bikes, mountain bikes and jeeps, try their hand at rafting on a kayak . For fans of organized recreation there are special camp, there you can play paintball with your friends . In winter, snowmobiles successfully replace bicycles and quad bikes . After all, a real snowmobile ride is an adventure . And, of course, in winter you can go on a ski trip . Karelian winter is unthinkable without skis .

Vo day tourism

Tourists, who love water and water sports, will surely find something to their liking. Popular activities include rafting (rafting on inflatable rafts). Now rafting in Karelia has become a separate sport. If you've never tried to participate in rafting, it's not scary. You can practice on the rivers of Sun and Shuya, they are quite calm and unhurried. If you like water transport, it is easy to rent a yacht or a boat in Karelia. And do not forget about the pride of Karelia - Kivach waterfall. Every Karelian guest should see it.

Sightseeing program

In Karelia there is something to see, and therefore organized tours here are very popular .During the excursions you can get to know more about the cultural and everyday aspects of local life..And among religious people are popular pilgrimages to holy places .Holy places here are the Valaam monastery and the well-known Solovetsky Monastery .By the way, the famous museum and a monument of ancient architecture of Kizhi is also here, in Karelia .And the excursion program can be combined with ecological tourism by visiting Paanajarvi, the most beautiful nature reserve, or the national park of Karelia called Vodlozero .

Ecological tourism

Unfortunately, the fact that every year in the world there are fewer places with pristine nature, not spoiled by human activities, remains a fact of .Here, in Karelia, such places are still .They are available to all tourists who want to feel the scent of nature, breathe the cleanest air without impurities .The most famous places are Paanayarvi Park (it was named because of the lake of the same name on its territory), Kostomukshsky Park, Kalevala Reserve and Vodlozero .Incidentally, some of these reserves are allowed to hunt and fish .However, all this is under the strict supervision of the authorities, because it is very important that after visiting tourists in the parks there are no traces of human activity .The number of tourists who can be in the reserve at the same time is limited to .This is done so that the impact on nature was minimized to .So do not forget to discuss in advance the time of your visit .