What are the criteria for assessing the quality of the sea resort? Convenient for swimming, the sea, entertainment on the water, equipped beaches, the duration of the swimming season. All these requirements are met by Anapa - you can swim comfortably from May to October, and the sandy beaches of the resort stretch for twenty kilometers to the village of Vityazevo.

 Sanatorium rest in Vityazevo
 Sanatorium rest in Vityazevo
Vityazev hotel "Meridian"

If you stay on rest in Anapa, then you can count only on the beach and city entertainment. With the purpose of recovery and, moreover, treatment, people go to Vitiazevo. There are fewer tourists, the coastal strip is wider, and to the sea bathing is added splashing in the healing Vitiazevsky estuary. Even limiting themselves to such a wellness procedure, everyone notes an improvement in health.

Vityazevo also has other natural resources - curative mud and springs of mineral waters. It is better to be treated in sanatoriums, which are sufficient here: "Aquamarine", "Globe", "Dune", "Magnolia". A health-improving complex with the historical name "Vityaz" stands apart. This is the name of the hero of the Russian-Turkish battles of Major Vityaz, in honor of which the settlement is named.

The closest to the sea is the Magnolia. Important is also its close placement to the "Vityaz" - it is convenient to undergo additional examinations and treatment courses if necessary. The sanatorium "Aquamarine" is quite young, it only works for six years. Its modern medical equipment meets international requirements, the rooms are more comfortable, the food is organized in the restaurant, there is a sauna, a sports complex, swimming pools.

Some sanatoria in Vityazevo are happy not only for adults. "Globe" - a great place for children's recreation and recreation. The medical profile of this sanatorium is respiratory diseases, musculoskeletal system. Sanatorium "Dune" also accepts children. In addition to musculoskeletal and respiratory problems, the circulatory system, digestion, nerves are treated in this health resort.

Those who have not purchased a ticket to a sanatorium live in private hotels, and they restore health to the Vityaz. It has a good medical-diagnostic basis, highly qualified personnel and a successful placement - one side is bordered by the estuary, and the other is bordered by the Black Sea.