The harsh beauty of the Chukchi Peninsula
 The harsh beauty of the Chukchi Peninsula
I thought, however!
If you dream of plunging into the world of pristine natural beauty, the world of real people who conquered the harsh land, go on a trip to Chukotka. Wonderful landscapes await you, conquering with their discreet beauty and scale. You can plunge into a world where life itself is a feat. Here, literally on the edge of the earth, civilization struggles with eternal cold.

Chukotka Autonomous District occupies territory in the extreme north-east of Russia. Travel to this region can not be called a rest in the usual sense of the word. Such adventures are more suitable for fans of outdoor activities and those who are looking for unforgettable impressions, who is ready to do anything to see something new and incredible.

Chukchi Peninsula has a message with the rest of Russia only with the help of sea and air transport. Moreover, sea vessels often can not approach the shores of Chukotka because of freeze-up or inappropriate weather conditions. So if you want to feel like a conqueror of the polar region, cut off from the "big land", you need to visit this amazing land.

Winter rest in Russia is surely an active holiday, which is especially acute when traveling to Chukchi Autonomous Okrug . Here tourists are offered to plunge into the world of people for whom, for a long time, the highest value is the fortress of body and spirit . Discovering the beliefs and rites of indigenous peoples, riding in dog sledges, visiting the sites of hereditary reindeer breeders - all this will leave unforgettable memories of winter adventures . You can see how the life of the indigenous Chukchi, Eskimos, Evens is organized, take part in sea fishing and see the walrus hunting .

New Year tours 2011 to foreign countries can not be compared with adventures in the Far North, without leaving the country. There are no customary railways and highways connecting the cities of the district. In winter, residents move on snowmobiles or in the old manner on reindeer sleds on the rolled snow. When else can you take advantage of this unusual form of transport?

Local residents carry tourists to sea walks - along the coast of the peninsula, they conduct special ornithological excursions to the "bird market". It is interesting to visit the famous thermal springs and hot springs. During the excursions, travelers are offered to ski or sleigh ride, taste dishes of national cuisine, bask in the traditional yaranga, etc. An incredible feeling is provided by bathing in thermo mineral springs, where the water temperature is surprisingly pleasant for the body.

During the trip to Chukotka, you will be able to get acquainted with the benevolent representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North, who are carriers of a unique culture and ideas about life. Tourists never have restrictions in the choice of souvenirs - from indigenous products to walrus bones.

If you are striving to explore everything unusual, to visit the very edge of the earth, to test yourself for strength in the harsh conditions of this North, a trip to Chukotka will be the most vivid impression in your life.