Moscow is a modern metropolis, to which millions of tourists from all over the world come every year, and often such trips are very short. $ . . Famous Orthodox shrines, monuments of history and history, museums with unique works of art, theaters, exhibitions and simply beautiful places attract tourists . However, all the sights of the city for a short period of time can not be visited . And if this year you decided to dedicate a couple of vacation days to travel to the capital of the Russian Federation - this article will help В Am spend this mini-tour with the maximum benefit for yourself

 What's worth to see a guest of Moscow first of all? that it is worth to look at the guest of Moscow first of all

If you are a connoisseur of art - the first thing we would recommend you to buy tickets to the theater there are more than a hundred of them in Moscow, and the most famous of them are the Bolshoi and Maly theaters, the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, the Taganka Theater, Sovremennik, Lenkom, Theater P. omenko). This is without a doubt one of the best ways to spend an evening - an inspirational setting and moments of sincere empathy given to you by the best representatives of world theater art, will not be forgotten.

Another important landmark of the capital that can not be missed is the historical, artistic and spiritual and religious complex with world fame - The Moscow Kremlin . Exhibitions in the One-Pillar Chamber and the Assumption Belfry, the treasures of the Armory Chamber, the Tsar Bell, the Tsar Cannon, the relics of Blagoveshchensky, the Archangel whom and Assumption Cathedral yet leaves no one indifferent . monuments of Orthodox culture are located across the capital .And if you decided to dedicate your voyage to them - be sure to visit Novodevich and Donskoy monasteries, as well as in the temples of Christ the Savior and St. Basil the Blessed - these are stunning places, the memory of your visit will be stored in your heart all your life .

We also can not ignore the traditional places for cultural tours around Moscow - the Tretyakov Gallery (where the best works of Russian painters and sculptors XI-XXI VV are presented) and the Historical Museum, where the famous Saber of Napoleon, Izbornik Svyatoslav, known in his world-foot copper Globe Blau Khludovskoye hymnal and other values ​​

If you eat in the capital with a child -. be sure to buy kid circus tickets. At your disposal are a wide range of performances from the Greater Moscow State Circus, Cirque du Soleil, Circus Yuri Nikulin on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and Circus of dancing fountains "Aquamarine."

Of course, the saturation of the tour should be planned depending on how long you are plan to spend in Moscow. It is worthwhile to go there even for a short time: although for acquaintance with all the sights of the capital you will hardly have a week to see a lot of interesting, cognitive and soak up the spirit of the ancient Russian city, even for a day trip.