St. Petersburg is rightly considered the cultural capital of our Motherland. The abundance of monuments of architecture, museums, theaters and the special spirit of this city attracts many tourists. Every day thousands of people come to the city on the Neva to admire the beauties of Petersburg, to plunge into its inexpressible atmosphere. However, before you go to St. Petersburg, you need to solve the issue with housing. And you need to do this in advance, so as not to overshadow your holiday with unnecessary problems. So, where to stay in St. Petersburg?

 Where to stay in St. Petersburg

Apartment for a day or hotel

The choice of housing in St. Petersburg today is simply huge - to the services of tourists large hotels, mini-hotels, apartments for a day, hostels. In general, offers for every taste and purse. But how to make the right choice to stay happy and do not spend extra money?

Everyone knows that living in hotels is quite expensive, especially in good hotels in the city center. It's over, it's good if you come on a business trip, and the company pays you accommodation in an expensive hotel. But how to be independent tourists? Do not forget about the wonderful alternative to hotels - rental apartments.

According to statistics, most tourists today prefer to just rent apartments for rent . After all, renting an apartment for a day in St. Petersburg today is much cheaper than book a room in the hotel . Prices for apartments can be several times lower than the cost of hotel rooms . This difference is especially noticeable when looking for accommodation in the center of St. Petersburg . When renting a home, you do not overpay for staff, advertising, prestige, level of service and extra ADDITIONAL services such as hotel .Of course, apartments can also be different - economical, standard or elite..But in any case, prices are available to a wider range of tourists .

It is also important that the apartment is more comfortable place of residence than the hotel. Homeliness, a kitchen for self-cooking, all the necessary household appliances and utensils - that's why the tourists are so fond of renting apartments. In addition, you will not be bored by the various hotel staff.

Rent an apartment for a day is much more convenient if you come to St. Petersburg with the whole family or a large company. In this case you can stay in one multi-room apartment. Standard room in the hotel is designed for two, and for extra space you always need to pay extra. And the cost of renting an apartment does not depend on the number of people living.

How to rent an apartment for a day in St. Petersburg

Rent an apartment for a day in St. Petersburg

To ensure that your stay in the city on the Neva was as comfortable, safe and enjoyable as possible, you need to know how to rent a house properly. Here are some tips that you will definitely need: $ $

First of all it is necessary to determine the location of .Think about which area will be more convenient for you? For most tourists, of course, the most convenient will be to rent a house in the center of the Northern capital .An apartment in the city center will allow you to be within walking distance of most sights, museums, theaters, exhibition halls and t .ะด .This will allow you to freely wander around the streets of St. Petersburg, get acquainted with the monuments and architecture of a three-hundred-year-old city, admire the ancient streets and parks .Well, if you want to visit the country palaces, then the excursion fees usually also take place in the city center .

When choosing the location, you should also provide for the availability of food and shops. From this point of view, the center of St. Petersburg is also a good solution, because most restaurants and cafes of different price categories are concentrated in the center.

Search and book accommodation for a day you need in advance, then you will not need to waste time on your arrival to search for housing. In addition, while at home, you can safely choose the best option without haste. And, putting it off for later, you run the risk of not living in a very cozy apartment.

Arriving in St. Petersburg, all the tourists are already at the station faced with proposals for housing. But if you do not want to fall into the clutches of scammers, it's better to avoid people with such signs - 90% of them do not lead an honest game.

In order for your rest to be calm and safe, make a contract of lease, even if you came to St. Petersburg for a few days. This will protect you from fraud and will once again not worry.

When choosing where to live, it is better not to seek help from intermediaries. Why should you overpay for what you can do yourself. Thanks to the Internet today you can quickly find many offers from the owners. In this case, it is better to choose a serious company that owns several apartments, so you can easily find the right option.