View of the Winter Palace, St. Petersburg
"The dust does not puff up,

Do not shiver sheets.

Wait a little,

You will also rest. "
M.Yu. Lermontov

To look at the face of St. Petersburg, you do not need to expend a lot of effort, except for those who will go up the stairs of St. Isaac's Cathedral, so that, from a bird's eye view, send one enthusiastic greeting to the northern capital of .But to look into the heart of the city, you will need a huge amount of energy, speed and ease of your legs..Forces for the next day, full of adventures, illuminated by flashes of cameras, you will receive in a temporary dwelling .The more convenient it turns out, the brighter and unforgettable emotions are printed from one more day spent in St. Petersburg .

If you turn to the Internet for help choosing a place of rest, you can be confused by the variegated offers: hotels, hostels, hotel-hotels, and, finally, daily rent of apartments .The hotel business has a sufficient number of years to be fully entitled to be the leader in demand .Many people who come to St. Petersburg prefer not to change traditions and choose what has been known for a long time already .It's wonderful, but it's enough to say that an apartment that is rented for a short period is not inferior, and sometimes even superior to hotels in architectural terms, if it is in the historical district of the city, that in terms of money this type of rented housing is more economical than others..Hotel loses the dispute for the title of "best" .

Mini-hotels, despite the developing business line, surprising the maximum price. It turns out a combination of incongruous, which is clearly not decided in favor of the capital's guest. Suffice it to say that the price per day per person varies from 600 to 4000 rubles, as the desire to elect this option as a rest, is dematerialized.

The attractive prospect of renting a house for a few days is hostels. Their location and price are pleasantly surprising: from 500 to 1400 rubles per person for 24 hours of stay there. If you go on a trip alone and you want to make new acquaintances, the hostel is a suitable place combining savings and quality.

But if silence and solitude after a busy day would be a gift for you, I recommend that you elect an apartment for rent, which is rented on a daily basis. Find the right apartment for a day in St. Petersburg you can on the portal of daily rent Sutochno.Ru ( In such an apartment you can feel how important it is to rest after the road to meet a new day in a cheerful mood, willingly conquer new kilometers in search of what each of you goes to St. Petersburg for!