Baikal - one of the greatest lakes in the world, the cradle of many ancient tribes and peoples, stretched over the surface of the planet for 600 kilometers. Due to the amazing shape, natural features and structure of the bottom, the bowl of Lake Baikal has long been divided into three separate parts - the Southern, Northern, and Middle. Each of them is unique, each has its own character, vegetation on the banks, the landscape and even the climate.

There are five landscape-climatic zones in the Baikal (steppe, mountain, taiga, marshland and mountain forest). The greatest number of trips to Baikal is made in the summer, but at any time of the year it is in its own way interesting and accessible for travel. On the shores of Lake Baikal, there are small hotels and tourist centers, and most of the travels on its shores are expeditionary - with overnight stays in tents or on boats.

The deepest lake in the world Baikal is located in the south of Siberia: its northwestern part lies in the Irkutsk region , and the southeast in the Republic of Buryatia.

Main resorts - Olkhon Island, Bolshie Koty, Listvyanka, Peschanaya Bay, Baikalsk.

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  • 1 How to get to Lake Baikal
    • 1.1 Search for tickets to the city of Irkutsk (nearest a / p to Baikal)
  • 2 Geographical location
  • 3 The climate of Lake Baikal is
  • 4 Seasons at Baikal
    • 4.1 Winter
    • 4.2 Spring
    • 4.3 Summer
    • 4.4 Autumn
  • 5 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Baikal
  • 6 Fishing at Lake Baikal is
  • 7 Hunting in Lake Baikal
  • 8 Cruises and alloys on Baikal
  • 9 Diving on Baikal
    • 9.1 We also recommend

How to get to Lake Baikal

By plane: from Moscow to Ulan-Ude or Irkutsk and back flights are carried out daily - from the airports "Vnukovo" and "Domodedovo". The flight time to Ulan-Ude is about 6 hours, to Irkutsk (the airport is located 6 km from the city center.) - about 5 hours 40 minutes.

By rail: the train Moscow - Irkutsk overcomes 5192 km for 3, 5 days. After such a journey 2, 5 km, separating the station of Irkutsk from the city center, will for sure seem negligible distance.

Irkutsk is 70 km from Baikal, you can overcome these kilometers by: trains and trains (from the railway station), buses and shuttles (from the bus station) and by motor ships and yachts (mooring "Raketa", navigation only 2-2.5 month from the second half of June to the end of August).

Search for tickets to the city of Irkutsk (nearest a / p to Baikal)

Geographical location

Lake Baikal is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. In the shape of a crescent moon Baikal stretched from the south-west to the northeast. The length of the lake is 636 km, the greatest width in the central part is 81 km, the minimum width in front of the Selenga delta is 27 km. Baikal is located at an altitude of 455 m above sea level, the length of the coastline is about 2000 km. More than half the length of the shoreline of Lake Baikal is under protection.

About 300 rivers and streams flow into the Baikal, while half of the water entering the lake is brought by the Selenga River. From Lake Baikal follows the only river - the Angara. There are about 20 islands on Lake Baikal. The largest island is Olkhon.

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The climate of Lake Baikal is

The climate in Eastern Siberia is sharply continental, but the huge mass of water contained in Lake Baikal and its mountain environment create an unusual microclimate. Baikal works as a large thermal stabilizer - in winter Baikal is warmer, and in summer it is slightly cooler than, for example, in Irkutsk, located at a distance of 60 km from the lake. The temperature difference is usually about 10 degrees. A significant contribution to this effect is provided by forests that grow almost on the entire coast of Lake Baikal.

The average annual water temperature on the surface of the lake is +4 ° C. Near the coast in summer the temperature reaches +16 .. + 17 ° C, in shallow bays up to +22 .. + 23 ° C. In the summer of 2008, the temperature reached a record value of +27 .. + 28 ° С.

The most favorable time for traveling among wildlife is the period from June 15 to August 15. At this time of year Baikal has the warmest days and nights and, as a rule, there is a clear sunny weather.

Late Autumn (October 15 - November 30) and early spring (April 15 - May 15) - the most unsuitable time for rest and tourism in the Baikal region due to rainy weather, strong winds and muddy roads.

Baikal's map

Due to the fact that the evaporation of cold water from the surface of the lake is very insignificant, clouds over Lake Baikal can not form .In addition, the air masses that bring clouds from the land, when the coastal mountains are overturned, the clouds are scattered .As a result, most of the time over Lake Baikal, the sky is pure .We should not think that the sun shines always over the lake - if you are unlucky, you can run into one, or even two weeks of disgusting rainy weather even in the sunniest place of Baikal - on Olkhon, but this happens extremely rarely..
  • What is the weather like in the summer at Lake Baikal?

Seasons at Baikal

The greatest number of trips to Lake Baikal takes place in the summer, but there are lovers of winter recreation who wish to see the severe Siberian winter. At any time of the year Baikal is interesting in its own way and is available for travel.


In winter, travel through Siberia is hampered by harsh climatic conditions, a short daylight and the lack of places for comfortable living far from cities..In December, it starts to dawn at nine o'clock and after 5 pm it quickly darkens .In severe frosts, the atmosphere is filled with a dense fog, through which the sky is barely visible .Until mid-January, Baikal does not freeze, the water soars, hiding in the fog the opposite shore .At the end of winter there is a powerful shift of ice, and individual hummocks can exceed human growth . In March, ski walks, trips on ice and lake bikes and ice fishing are especially popular.


If you want to see the pristine beauty of Lake Baikal, without the accumulation of tourists on its shores, it is better to arrive at the beginning of summer (from May 15 to June 10). At this time, Baikal is just beginning to free itself from the ice. Until the middle of June, Lake Baikal is still cool, and traveling by boat on the lake often comes in warm clothes. The release from the ice on the lake is uneven. In the southern part of Lake Baikal, ice is released in the first days of May, in the northern part - at the end of May. Accumulations of ice floes on which one can observe the seals continue to swim in the north of the lake until June 5-10. On the pebbly beaches of Barguzinsky and Baikal-Lensky nature reserves at this time you can often see bears.


The most favorable time for traveling among wildlife from June 15 to August 15 is .At this time of the year on Baikal the warmest days and nights, as a rule, is a good sunny weather .Regular passenger navigation on Lake Baikal begins after June 15 .In summer, in favorite vacation spots on the coast of the Small Sea and the Chivyrkuisky Bay, especially where you can reach by car, there are crowded tent camps .On the coast, where there are no highways, tourists meet less often .And in the northern part of Lake Baikal, on the territory of the reserves, even in the peak of the tourist season, a meeting with a man is generally rare .


The end of September, "Indian Summer", attracts the multicolored autumnal colors of the forest. Particularly beautiful are the mixed forests of the coast near the Peschanaya Bay and the Chivyrkuisky Bay. Late Autumn (October 15 - November 30) and early spring (April 15 - May 15) - the most unfavorable time for rest and tourism in the Baikal region due to rainy weather, strong winds, and roads.

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Baikal. Chivyrkuisky Bay

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Baikal

Flora and fauna of the Baikal region are extremely diverse and number up to 2, 6 thousand species and varieties, three quarters of which are not found anywhere else in the world..In the lake there are 58 species of fish .The most famous are omul, whitefish, grayling, taimen, sturgeon, golomyanka, lenok .On the shores of nests 200 species of birds .In Baikal there is a unique, typically marine mammal - the Baikal seal .In the summer in the central and northern parts of the lake, they can be seen quite often .In the Baikal region there are three national reserves and two natural national parks designed to protect its unique flora and fauna .

Baikal is called the territory near Baikal Lake stretching along its eastern coast, intersected by the valleys of the rivers Selenga, Turka, Itantsa, Kika, Khaim, Kotochik, and also by a number of smaller rivers. Along the Baikal coast there are mountain spurs of the Golondinsky, Ulan-Bourgas and Morskoy ridges. The Baikal region has long been inhabited by man. Many monuments of antiquity have been preserved here, including sites of the Paleolithic epoch, the Neolithic period, cemeteries of different time, rock paintings.

Surroundings of the village Listvyanka, rock Shaman-stone, surrounded by a stone wall a settlement of the 6th-10th centuries .in the Krestovaya bay, the rock to the north of the bay with petroglyphs of the Bronze Age, the picturesque Olkhon Island, the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula, the hot spring in the Zmeyovoy Bay .In total there are about 30 springs on the lake, the most famous of them are in Tunkinskaya valley (Arshan, Pearl) and in the north of Baikal (Khakusy, Zelinda, Solnechny) ."Singing sands" of the west coast, monastery 17 в .in the village of Posolskoe, Bystrinskie waterfalls, Uluntui cave, Circum-Baikal railway .

The sights of North Baikal include Cape Kotelnikovsky, Mount Chersky, Mica Lake, Yarky Island, Frolikha Bay, Aya Bay and Lake Frolikha, Shumilikha River, Malocheremshanska Cave.

Baikal in the rays of the setting sun Baikal
Baikal in the rays of the setting sun
Top view of Sandy Bay - $ Baikal
Peschanaya Bay
Olkhon legends, Baikal.jpeg Baikal
Olkhon legends

The southern border of the Northern Baikal runs along the Olkhon Island - the Sacred Peninsula The northern coast of Lake Baikal is also rich in natural and archeological monuments, many of which are located on the territory of the Baikal-Lensky Reserve. The most interesting objects are:

Cape Kotelnikovsky. From Cape Kotelnikovsky begins one of the most popular routes in the north of Baikal - to the mountain of Chersky. The route passes along the river Kurkula, it introduces a cascade of waterfalls, a system of high-mountain lakes, a glacier, the mountain of Chersky. The itinerary is recommended only for trained tourists.

The route to the mountain of Chersky. Mount Chersky - the highest point of the Baikal ridge (2588 m), which is prestigious to conquer both mountain tourists and experienced mountain climbers. The route of ascent is the only one on the North Baikal, classified by the category of complexity 2A. The mountain region is characterized by frequent variability of weather conditions, which introduces additional difficulties to the ascent.

Mica lakes are located 25 km from Severobaikalsk. The large Mica Lake in diameter reaches about 2 km and has beautiful sandy beaches. The clear water of the lake is warming up well in the summer. The serpentine path to the mica tunnels has been preserved, from which a beautiful panorama of the Baikal coast and Cape Tonky opens.

Yarky Island is located in the northern extremity of Baikal and represents a narrow sandy island about 14 km long and 100 to 400 m wide. There are long sandy beaches, warm water and good fishing. At present, the island is being destroyed and turns into a chain of sandy hills-bright with a precipitous sandy slope from Baikal.

Guba Frolikha leaves into the mainland for 3 km. Its width at the entrance is 4 km. Then it narrows to 1.5 km. The northern and southern shores of the bay are stony and sublime. The rapids of Frolikha flow into the lip. The river is accessible to boats for 1 km up to the rocky threshold. On the banks of the lip are many large pitfalls, dangerous for swimming. At 2 km from the shore of Lake Baikal, on the banks of the river, a thermal spring with a water temperature of + 35-36 ° C has been known since the last century.

Bay Aya and Lake Frolikha. Aya's lip is attractive with her perfect beauty. On North Baikal, this deeply incised into the dry land, surrounded on all sides by steep banks, has the glory of one of the most beautiful places on the north-east coast. The bay of Aya goes to the land for 4 km and has a beautiful sandy beach. At the entrance to the bay of Aya is an underwater reef, which is 20 meters from the headland protrudes a rock above the surface of the water. In sunny weather, you can often see vacationers sept.

Baikal ice

8 km from Aya Bay in the mountains there is a picturesque glacial lake Frolikha - one of the most famous and attractive objects for tourists on the Northern Baikal. It is easiest to get to the lake from the bay of Aya. The absence of trails along the shore of the lake contributes to the conservation of the lake and its coast in its original form. The path passes above the lake along its southeastern coast. In the lake there is a unique red fish for davatchan, a relict form of the glacial epoch. Also here are found taimen, lenok, pike, grayling, soroga, perch.

The valley of the river Shumilikhi attracts nature lovers with its distinctly distinctive beauty. On this route you can see all the high-altitude belts of the Barguzinsky ridge. In the area of ​​its source, the height of the mountains reaches 2000 m, there are many small carp lakes and waterfalls. The largest of the waterfalls has a height of about 50 m.

Malecheremshanskaya cave. 50 m to the south of the mouth of the Malaya Cheremshany there is the largest cave grotto on the eastern coast of the northern part of Lake Baikal. The Malecheremshanskaya cave has a depth of 15 m, a height of 10-15 m, a width at the entrance is 2 m. The most spectacular is the cave in winter, when after strong storms, when the lake freezes, glacial ice and garlands of icy icicles are formed on the vaults of the cave, reaching in some years a height of up to 6 -8 meters.

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Fishing at Lake Baikal is

There are about 50 species of fish in Baikal, of which only 15. This whitefish, white grayling, black grayling, lenok, taimen, sturgeon, burbot, perch, pike, soroga (roach), dace, ide, davatchan and crucian.

Hunting in Lake Baikal

Hunting is a traditional occupation of the inhabitants of Eastern Siberia. In the taiga there are many winter and animal-rich places. The main commercial species of animals and birds: a snow sheep, a squirrel, a wolf, an ermine, a white hare, a deer, a wild boar, a musk deer, a mountain goat, a Siberian roe deer, a fox, a moose, a brown bear, a seal, a northern deer, a glutton, black grouse, red duck.

Cruises and alloys on Baikal

Most of the water travels around Baikal begin from the village of Listvyanka and are possible from May to December.

The most dense river network in the mountain systems of the Eastern Sayan, Khamar-Daban. Even in the upper reaches, the mountain rivers reach a width of 10-15 m and a depth of 0, 5-1 m, which makes them suitable for rafting and kayaking.

Diving on Baikal

The best time for diving in the Baikal is the beginning of summer, when the water is the most transparent and a lot of light penetrates to the depth; at the end of July, the water in the lake begins to "bloom" and light penetrates less deeply into the depth.)

Photo of Baikal (71)