In Alupka there are many worthy sights that brighten up the leisure time of well-roasted tourists, but do not forget about the huge number of interesting museums. One of them is the real symbol of the city and its pride, the museum of Ahmet-Khan Sultan, the famous pilot-ace who, among other numerous awards, was twice awarded the Order of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the highest military state award of that time. >

The museum in Alupka appeared not accidentally, it was in this city that the future hero of the world war and a great pilot were born. The exposition tells about the amazing fate of this amazing person. The history of his life is truly interesting and exciting, and documents, awards and personal belongings can tell a lot about Ahmet-Khan Sultan, who went through the war and a long journey from Moldova to Berlin.

The exposition tells about the times when Ahmet-Khan Sultan worked as a test pilot and tested the then innovative inventions, including catapults, missiles and much more.

The exposition is divided into several thematic sections. The first of them is devoted to the participation of Ahmet-Khan Sultan in air battles with the Germans during the war. Another, incidentally, no less interesting, will tell the visitor already about the post-war career of the pilot.

Namely: about the times when he worked as a test pilot and tested the then innovative inventions, including catapults, missiles and much more.

A nice native Alupka took part in the preparation of the space program, and in many other secret state projects. It is worth noting that the museum's guides are real admirers of their business. They will tell about the combat flights of the famous pilot, about participation in air battles, among which there is an air ram. And many other amazing and exciting stories.

Museum of Ahmet-Khan Sultan


Address: st. Yalta, 22. How to get there: by minibus number 10 or on foot from the center of Alupka minutes for 5-7.

Opening hours: in the spring and summer from 10:00 to 21:00, in the winter and autumn the museum closes at 18:00.