Rest in Alupka became a good tone as early as the beginning of the last century, when cottages, sanatoriums and hotels were being built here in large numbers. $ . . Alupka was seeking vacationers from all over the vast empire . This is not surprising, because this wonderful city there really is something to attract tourists here $ ± And in the city itself, and in its immediate vicinity are the real gems of the peninsula - the magnificent Alupkinsky Park, the Vorontsov Palace, amazing with its amazing forms, the palace and park complex Dyulb ер, Mount Ai-Petri and the visiting card of the Crimea - Castle Swallow's Nest . List the attractions of Alupka can be ad infinitum .

But, of course, the main wealth of the resort is a magnificent sea, the water in which pure as a tear. However, it should be noted that there are some specifics here that may not suit everyone. For example, the beaches in Alupka are pebble, not sandy. However, this problem is solved with the help of special shoes. But to enjoy the sea, the sun surrounded by coastal rocks is an incomparable pleasure for everyone.

In Alupka is a wonderful climate that allows you to rest here all year round due to the fact that it is protected by winds from a mountain range.

For those who want to just stretch out on the beach after a hard year and enjoy the sea, the period from May to October will ideally go. But in order to improve the health of the body or visit the many local attractions, there is no better time than autumn, spring and even the winter months. During this period, nature acquires unusually beautiful features that are not as bright as in summer or spring, but in their own way are inexpressibly beautiful.

In Alupka and its environs there are real pearls of Crimea - the magnificent Alupkinsky Park, Vorontsov Palace, the palace and park complex Dyulber, Mount Ai-Petri and the visit card of the peninsula - Swallow's Nest.

Another "zest" (probably even grapes) rest in Alupka is the famous Massandra vineyards, whose wines are widely popular and famous ость . Those who wish can visit with a vineyard and take with them to memory not only wonderful memories, but also a few bottles of a wine vine drink. - $ . In Alupka there are no problems with accommodation, but numbers, especially on the first coastline, it is always better to book in advance . Here there are both large hotels and sanatoria, and villas, private houses and apartments . The nearest airport and railway junction is Simferopol, located about 100 km .

Rest in Alupka