The history of the Crimean palace Suuk-Su began in 1897 ., when the famous engineer of bridges В .And .Berezin bought a fairly large plot of land in Gurzuf before leaving for a well-deserved rest..His goal together with his wife O .M .Solovyovoy was the opening and development of a prestigious resort that could compete with foreign health resorts .However, in 1900 g .Vladimir died in Paris, so that Olga Solovyova herself had to realize her dreams and ready-made plans in reality..The grand opening of the resort took place in 1903 .In the park stretching over 40 hectares, several spa buildings were erected: balneary, six hotels and a chic palace with a casino and a restaurant .Also here, beaches were beautified, fresh water was spent and a Russian bath was built .The constructed resort was named after the local source Suuk-Su, which in Turkic means "cold water" .

Today, like almost a century ago, the Suuk-Su Palace adorns a beautiful green park on the territory of the Artek children's camp.

Exterior and interiors

The central building of the resort is the Suuk-Su palace, designed by the famous architect N. P. Krasnov. The three-story white building was made in the Renaissance style, numerous decor elements: stucco cornices, Corinthian columns and a marble fountain in front of the entrance - harmoniously complemented with a luxurious and majestic image.

The interior space of the palace was designed not less artfully. The lobby in the Moorish style is generously decorated with arches, wall carvings, tiles and multi-colored mosaics. Comfort in the lobby was created by low chairs, covered with silk and satin. On the second floor there was a marble staircase decorated with molding. The halls were filled with soft light through large windows.

It was planned that a casino would be opened in Suuk-Su, but in this the authorities did not go to meet Solovyova. At the same time, the palace building before the revolution was still known as "Casino."

A little more history.

Mistress Suuk-Su left the Crimea only during the Civil War, when the invasion of the Bolsheviks became imminent .The palace under its supervision successfully survived the revolutionary years, and then departed to the place of rest of the party members .In 1936, ±​​$$., after the meeting in the Kremlin of the pioneers "Artekovites" with Comrade Molotov, the territory was also decided to be transferred to a pioneer organization, and from 1937 to 1941 .here the camp "Suuk-Su" was organized .In the late autumn of 1941 ±​​$$.during the Great Patriotic War, the southern coast of the Crimea was captured by German invaders who arranged a restaurant in the Suuk-Su Palace .On the eve of the new, 1942 .in the course of the next feast the palace with a lot of cultural values ​​burned down .

The modern building of the palace in general terms repeats the appearance of the Kursk Suuk-Su in 1903. It began to be restored in the late 1950s. on the surviving foundation of the burnt down building, a stone for construction was delivered from Inkerman. Suuk-Su again opened in April 1961 as the Palace of Pioneers and was later used as a leisure institution.

The Palace of Today

Today, like almost a century ago, the palace is decorated with a beautiful green park in the territory of the children's camp "Artek". In its premises there are exhibits of the Gagarin Cosmonautics Museum and the Artek History Museum. The Cosmos Museum has been conducting its history since July 1967, the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the initiator of the exposition and its direct participant. The Artek History Museum opened in June 1975, it includes 14 rooms with exhibits telling about the rich history of the children's center.

Useful information

Address: пос. Gurzuf Str. Leningrad, 41.

Phone: +38 (06-54) 36-30-80, 36-32-17, 36-39-90.


Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 17:00, Saturday, Sunday - day off.