March 1
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-4 ° С in the afternoon, -11 ° С night , ° С water

March 2
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-1 ° С in the afternoon, -9 ° С night , ° С water

March 3
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-2 ° С in the afternoon, -8 ° С night , ° С water

March 4
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-1 ° С in the afternoon, -9 ° С night , ° С water

March 5
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-3 ° С in the afternoon, -9 ° С night , ° С water

March 6
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-4 ° С in the afternoon, -9 ° С night , ° С water

March 7
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-4 ° С in the afternoon, -8 ° С night , ° С water

March 8
The weather in Izhevsk is Overcast

-4 ° С in the afternoon, -9 ° С night , ° С water

March 9
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-3 ° С in the afternoon, -7 ° С night , ° С water

March 10
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-2 ° С in the afternoon, -7 ° С night , ° С water

March 11
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-3 ° С in the afternoon, -8 ° С night , ° С water

March 12
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-4 ° С in the afternoon, -9 ° С night , ° С water

March 13
The weather in Izhevsk is Clearly

-3 ° С in the afternoon, -9 ° С night , ° С water

The weather in Izhevsk is conditioned by a temperate continental climate with a long cold winter and a warm but short summer .The average annual air temperature is +3 ° C .Located in the eastern part of the East European Plain, the city stands on the Izh river, in the interfluve of the rivers Vyatka and Kama..Due to the flat terrain, south-west winds predominate here, so storms and hurricanes in Izhevsk occur infrequently .It is worth noting, the air temperature in the city is quite different from its values ​​beyond the Izhevsk line .So, on warm days the air in Izhevsk warms up by 1, 5-2 degrees more than beyond its limits .Particularly pronounced difference in temperatures in windless weather in multi-storey areas of the city .

The highest air temperature in Izhevsk was registered on July 24, 2010 and amounted to +37 ° С. The absolute temperature minimum was recorded on December 31, 1978, when the thermometer columns dropped to -47, 5 ° C ±

The coldest month of the year is January .Average air temperature is -12, 4 ° C .Quite often at this time, snow falls, the number of cloudy days prevails over the clear .The average wind speed is 2 m / s (on the most windy days up to 7 m / s) .The weather in Izhevsk in winter is very typical for this area: early cold weather, heavy snowfalls in November and January and stable low temperatures until April .In February, the average air temperature is -11, 7 ° C .Precipitation at this time falls not too often, despite the high level of humidity - 76-90% .

The weather in Izhevsk in winter is very typical for this area: early cold weather, heavy snowfalls in November and January and stable low temperatures until April.

The weather in Izhevsk changes significantly in March. Precipitation falls more and more rarely, and as a rule, it is already wet snow or rain. Atmospheric pressure is maintained at around 742 mm Hg. The average air temperature in March is -5 C °, but by the end of the month the air is warming up to plus points. In April, during the daytime, the temperature is +5 ° C, and in May - +19 ° C.

The least amount of precipitation in Izhevsk falls in February, March and April.

The climatic summer in Izhevsk is marked by the beginning of the rainy season, which usually lasts all summer .The weather at this time is hot, despite frequent precipitation: the air gets warm in the day to + 25 ... + 30 ° C .In July, the exhausting heat reaches its apogee - in the day the thermometers show +32 ° C, at night - +18 ° C .Often there are thunderstorms, heavy rains occur .Only by mid-August the weather in Izhevsk is stabilizing, the heat ceases to torment the inhabitants of the city, therefore the end of summer - the beginning of autumn is considered the best time to visit the capital of the Udmurt Republic .

The end of summer - the beginning of autumn - the best time in terms of weather for a tourist trip to Izhevsk.

The weather in Izhevsk in the fall is quite soft and comfortable, especially in the first half of the season .September, traditionally considered a velvet period, is characterized by clear sunny weather, low precipitation and an average air temperature of +10.2 ° C .In the afternoon thermometers show +20 ° С - ideal time for walking and sightseeing .In October, the number of sunny days is reduced, periodically there are cool rains .The temperature regime at this time ranges from -1 ° C to +18 ° C in the daytime and from -1 ° C to +15 ° C at night .At the end of the month the first snow falls, foreshadowing a long cold winter .November in Izhevsk actually indicates the onset of a climatic winter .The average air temperature drops to -5, 1 ° C, snowfalls increase considerably, the weather is gloomy and cloudy .