March 1
 Weather in Kurgan - 1 ° С

in the daytime, - 3 ° С at night , ° water March 2

Weather in Kurgan
 Cloudy - 5 ° С

In the afternoon, - 8 ° C at night , ° water March 3

Weather in Kurgan
 Clear - 3 ° C

day, - 11 ° C at night , ° C water March 4

Weather in Kurgan
 Clearly - 1 ° С

by day, - 10 ° С by night , ° С water March 5

Weather in Kurgan
 Clearly - 2 ° С

by day , - 8 ° C at night , ° water March 6

Weather in Kurgan
 Cloudy - 5 ° С

in the afternoon, - 9 ° С at night , ° @ water

March 7
 Weather in Kurgan Overcast

- 4 ° С in the daytime, - 6 ° С at night , ° From water

March 8
Weather in Kurgan Cloudy

- 5 ° С in the daytime, - 6 ° С at night , ° С water

March 9
 Weather in Kurgan Clear

- 4 ° С in the daytime, - 8 ° With at night , ° water

March 10
 Weather in Kurgan Clear

-4 ° С in the daytime, - 8 ° С at night , ° water

March 11
 Weather in Kurgan Clear

- 2 ° С in the daytime, - 9 ° С at night , ° С water

12 March
 Weather in Kurgan Clear

- 1 ° C by day, - 7 ° C at night , ° ° water

Mar 13 m
 Weather in Kurgan Clear

0 ° C by day, - 7 ° C at night , ° C water

In the center of the Eurasian mainland to the east of the Ural ridge is the city of Kurgan . According to general characteristics, the climate of the city is classified as a moderately continental type, but due to the peculiarities of the geographical location, there are features of sharply continental type . As a result, the summer weather in Kurgan is often hot and arid, and winter - cold and little snow . The duration of the frost-free period in Kurga is not about 120 days . At the same time about 85 days a year there is warm weather with air temperature above +15 ° C .

The longest season in Kurgan is winter . Actually the first frosts happen in September . But the intense temperature drop is observed in the second half of October . The frostiest weather in Kurgan is set in January . At this time the thermometer indicators drop to an average of -15 ° C . Meanwhile, along with low temperatures in winter can be observed relatively warm periods with a temperature of 0 ° C . In the winter months, a small amount of precipitation falls, but the snow, as a rule, lies . The height of the snow cover in Kurgan reaches on average 30 cm .

The duration of the frost-free period in Kurgan is about 120 days . At the same time about 85 days a year there is warm weather with an air temperature above +15 ° C.

In the summer in Kurgan hot and dry weather is set. Despite the fact that the maximum amount of precipitation occurs during the summer months, moistening is still not enough. Passage of moist air from the Atlantic is impeded by the Ural Mountains, so that the air masses that are less saturated with water are brought to the Barrow. Therefore, for the summer weather in Kurgan characterized by prolonged periods of drought. The average temperature of the hottest month - July - reaches +20 ° C. May and September in Kurgan, as a rule, are also warm - around +10 ° C on average.

The periods of the off-season in Kurgan are quite short. In the spring the snow starts to descend in April, but frosts are possible until May. In March, mainly negative temperatures are observed. The characteristic features of the winter weather in Kurgan are set closer to the second half of October. With the advent of autumn, the precipitation level progressively decreases. Usually by November a snow cover is formed. The weather in Kurgan in autumn and spring is rather unstable due to frequent changes in atmospheric pressure and intense temperature fluctuations.

The wind regime in Kurgan largely depends on cyclonic activity. The average wind speed in the city usually reaches 3 m / s. Such a wind is practically imperceptible for a person, however, vibrations of leaves and thin branches are noticeable. In winter, the wind can increase with the condition of snowstorms, in the summer - during thunderstorms. At the same time, wind power can reach 25 m / s. In such cases, minor destructive consequences are possible. Fortunately, squall wind intensification is a rather rare phenomenon for Kurgan.

The mound lies deep in the continent and is far removed from the seas and oceans. The boundaries of the city are completely unprotected from the north and south, as a result of which cold air from the Arctic and warm dry air masses from the Kazakh steppes can easily penetrate here. At the same time, the Ural range in the west impedes the passage of moist air from the Atlantic. These factors largely determine the climatic features of the Kurgan.