March 1
The weather in Volgograd is Overcast

+3 ° С in the afternoon, -2 ° С night , ° С water

March 2
The weather in Volgograd is Overcast

+6 ° С in the afternoon, 0 ° С night , ° С water

March 3
The weather in Volgograd is Overcast

+6 ° С in the afternoon, -1 ° С night , ° С water

March 4
The weather in Volgograd is Clearly

+1 ° С in the afternoon, -5 ° С night , ° С water

March 5
The weather in Volgograd is Clearly

+4 ° С in the afternoon, -6 ° С night , ° С water

March 6
The weather in Volgograd is Overcast, light rain

+5 ° С in the afternoon, -3 ° С night , ° С water

March 7
The weather in Volgograd is Clearly

+5 ° С in the afternoon, -1 ° С night , ° С water

March 8
The weather in Volgograd is Clearly

+4 ° С in the afternoon, -5 ° С night , ° С water

March 9
The weather in Volgograd is Clearly

+6 ° С in the afternoon, -4 ° С night , ° С water

March 10
The weather in Volgograd is Clearly

+5 ° С in the afternoon, -4 ° С night , ° С water

March 11
The weather in Volgograd is Clearly

+4 ° С in the afternoon, -4 ° С night , ° С water

March 12
The weather in Volgograd is Clearly

+7 ° С in the afternoon, -4 ° С night , ° С water

March 13
The weather in Volgograd is Clearly

+7 ° С in the afternoon, -2 ° С night , ° С water

The weather in Volgograd is
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The weather in Volgograd is
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The weather in Volgograd is
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Hero-city Volgograd is located in the southeast of the European part of Russia, on the bank of the Volga River and several of its islands .The climate in Volgograd is moderately continental .Summer here is hot, and winter is cold, often with sharp temperature changes .Winter in Volgograd comes closer to the end of November, when the thermometer bars do not exceed the mark of 0 ° C .For Volgograd's winter is characterized by extremely unstable weather: snowy days can suddenly be replaced by long-term thaws and vice versa .The average air temperature in winter is -4-8 ° C .The coldest winter period is the end of January - the beginning of February, when the air cools down to -30 ° C .Snow in Volgograd is abundant, because the snow cover is maintained, as a rule, throughout the winter, and the Volga often freezes by mid-December .

For the Volgograd winter is characterized by extremely unstable weather: snowy days can suddenly be replaced by long-term thaws and vice versa.

Only by the end of March in Volgograd is a full-fledged climatic spring. The sun shines more and more, the air temperature, respectively, rises. It should be noted that the spring in Volgograd is actually the shortest season of the year. A prolonged winter all March accompanies a low temperature and unpleasant winds, and by mid-May in the city comes a hot, stuffy summer. Average air temperature in the spring from -2 ° C in March to +17 ° C in May.

The height of spring falls on April: temperature indicators are steadily rising, ice and snow are melting everywhere, nature is reborn after winter anabiosis.

Summer in Volgograd is usually hot. The weather is sunny and sultry. Do not save even the frequent rains that are coming at this time of year. The hottest month of the summer - July, when the thermometer reaches 37 ° C, is marked by the height of the swimming season. The water temperature in the Volga and other water bodies is approximately +23 ° C. Tourists and locals enjoy rest on the sandy beaches of Volgograd, walk along the embankment and see the many sights of the city.

Volgograd is rightfully considered one of the hottest cities in Russia: the average daily air temperature in summer is + 19-24 ° C.

September in Volgograd is a truly velvety season: the heat subsides, but the warm temperature persists to the very end of the flesh. A sensible cooling occurs only in October. In general, the weather in Volgograd in the autumn is quite standard for the region here: warm and sunny September is replaced by a rainy and cloudy October, and by the end of the month there is a serious cooling, predicting an imminent winter. The average air temperature in autumn is 15 ° C.

Weather in Volgograd by months

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime -5 -4 + 3 + 15 + 23 + 27 + 29 + 28 + 22 + 12 + 4 -2
night -11 -11 -5 + 5 + 12 + 16 + 18 + 17 + 12 + 14 -1 -7