March 1
Weather in Voronezh Cloudy

0 ° C in the afternoon, -4 ° С at night, FROMwater

2nd of March
Weather in Voronezh Mainly cloudy

-2 ° С in the afternoon, -4 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 3rd
Weather in Voronezh Cloudy

+1 ° C in the afternoon, -4 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 4
Weather in Voronezh Overcast, light rain

+2 ° C in the afternoon, -5 ° С at night, FROMwater

5th of March
Weather in Voronezh Cloudy, light snow

-2 ° С in the afternoon, -2 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 6
Weather in Voronezh Cloudy, light snow

0 ° C in the afternoon, -2 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 7
Weather in Voronezh Mainly cloudy

0 ° C in the afternoon, -4 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 8
Weather in Voronezh Clear

0 ° C in the afternoon, -5 ° С at night, FROMwater

9th of March
Weather in Voronezh Clear

+1 ° C in the afternoon, -5 ° С at night, FROMwater

10th of March
Weather in Voronezh Clear

+5 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

11th of March
Weather in Voronezh Partly cloudy, light rain

+3 ° C in the afternoon, +2 ° C at night, FROMwater

March 12
Weather in Voronezh Clear

+6 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 13
Weather in Voronezh Partly cloudy, light rain

+4 ° С in the afternoon, +2 ° C at night, FROMwater

The city of military glory Voronezh is located on both banks of the same river in the heart of Chernozem Region .It is located in the temperate climate zone .Frosty snowy winter and warm rainy summer are typical for the local terrain .The average annual air temperature in the city is +6.9 ° C .Weather in Voronezh in winter is moderately cold .Strong frosts practically do not happen, on the contrary, periodic thaws are possible .The average air temperature fluctuates within -5-7 ° C .In the beginning of December a fairly dense snow cover is formed, along with this, the Voronezh Reservoir freezes .

January is the coldest and snowiest month of the year. There are days when a ten-day rainfall may fall overnight.

The climatic spring in Voronezh comes only towards the end of March .The beginning of the month is usually frosty and snowy .In especially warm years over Voronezh at this time there are heavy rains .In the last days of the month there is noticeable warming: snow melts, and ice on rivers splits .This leads to floods, which in the spring often suffer from low-lying areas of the city .In May, the sunny weather sets in and precipitation becomes an extremely rare event .The weather forecast in Voronezh in spring is usually characterized by an average temperature from -3 ° C in March to +15 ° C in May .

In May, the long-awaited sunny weather is set in Voronezh, and precipitation becomes extremely rare.

Summer in the city is warm and only occasionally clouded by strong, but short-term downpours. Despite the relatively comfortable temperature performance (the average air temperature in summer is approximately +19 ° C), Voronezh in summer can be exposed to hot air masses from Kazakhstan or North Africa. In such periods, anomalous heat is observed (+ 35-37 ° C), the amount of precipitation is sharply reduced, and all this leads to natural disasters like forest and field fires.

During periods of abnormal heat, the air temperature in Voronezh reaches +35-37 ° C, which can lead to natural disasters like forest and field fires.

Autumn cooling in Voronezh is observed only in October, when the first night frosts begin. September, as a rule, is warm and sunny. In November, the weather in Voronezh differs stably with established minus air temperatures and heavy snowfalls. The average air temperature in September is +14 ° C and falls to -1 ° C in November.