According to the famous primogenist Diane Fossey (author of the popular book "Gorillas in the Fog"), the Volcanoes National Park is located "in the heart of Central Africa, so high in the mountains that it is more likely to tremble from the cold than sweat" - at an altitude from 1700 to 4600 m .The area of ​​the park is 125 sq. .km .The slopes of six extinct volcanoes were overgrown with an ancient wet tropical forest (called here "virgin"), and the air is constantly hanging a foggy shroud .This fantastic landscape is inhabited by mountain gorillas and an impressive number of other primates: from the colobus to the golden monkeys, not to mention the encyclopedic variety of birds and other livestock..

On the territory there are 7 gorilla families. The life of primates is followed in the most careful way: each gorilla has its name and photo in the book-census, and the birth of a gorilla baby is celebrated all over the world. In honor of this they hold the ceremony of Kvita Izin - the naming by the name.

In addition, there is an impressive change in ecosystems as we rise into the mountains: there are evergreen and bamboo forests, open wet meadows, marshes and heaths in tiers.

How to get

The Volcanoes National Park is located in the extreme north-west of Rwanda. The nearest town is Musanze (one and a half hours drive from Kigali) - located at the very foot of the virgin. There are quite a large number of hotels and guesthouses on any wallet.

While in Musanza, do not miss the opportunity to see the natural bridge - a frozen stream of lava, evidence of violent tectonic activity in this region.

From Musanze to the entrance to the national park, the township of Kinigi, - 12 km, which can be overcome by a city taxi or a rented car with a driver. Further movement through the territory of the park is only on foot, traffic is prohibited here.

Observation of gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park

How much does it cost to visit?

Permission to visit gorillas costs $ 500, this includes the cost of an entrance ticket to the park. It is necessary to pre-book a visit and on the appointed day to arrive in Kinigi by 7 am for a brief briefing, which is carried out by specialized guides from the National Tourism Office of Rwanda.

Accompany on the route you will be English and French-speaking trackers. In the group - no more than 8 tourists. Be sure to comply with all the rules: including, approaching animals no more than 7 m, the absence of colds and conversation in a low voice. Coughing and sneezing is also asked to the side. Photographing is allowed only in the absence of a flash. In addition, it is recommended that you dress warmly, wear comfortable shoes and take water supplies. Please note that you will move around in high mountains.

Gorilla, Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda Volcanoes National Park
Gorilla, Volcanoes National Park
Volcanoes National Park at sunset, Rwanda Volcanoes National Park
Volcanoes National Park at sunset
Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda Volcanoes National Park
Volcanoes National Park