Situated 200 km from Dakar in the Sina Salum region, Kaolack is a lively city in the interior of the country, the second major transport hub of Senegal and a convenient starting point for sallies anywhere from national parks and southern regions to neighboring countries - Guinea- Bissau, Mali and Gambia . Among other things, Kaolak is the peanut capital, there are whole plantations of this nut and peanut butter production is flourishing . Finally, Kaolak is the main city of the Sufi sect of tijjania; in the city one of the most beautiful mosques in West Africa was built .

According to the press reports of the Kaolak, epidemics of some degree of mowing of the population are regularly shaken: from malaria and yellow fever to leprosy (!). Relatively successful only the western districts of the city are considered. Seriously comprehend your anticipated visit to Kaolak, and with a very big desire to visit the city strictly observe the rules of hygiene!

How to get to Kaolak

There is a small airport in Kaolak serving only domestic flights To get here from Russian cities, you must first land at Dakar International Airport, for example, using the services of airlines such as Air France with a transfer in Paris, Lufthansa (Frankfurt), Turkish Airlines (Istanbul), Alitalia (Milan), Iberia (Madrid), Tunisair (Tunisia), Air Algerie (Algeria) and Royal Air Maroc (Casablanca).

Further from Dakar to Kaolak will need to get on the shuttle bus (about $ 5, travel time - 2 hours) or long-distance bus (many from which one runs between Dakar and Bamako with stops on the route.)

There is always a possibility to rent a car - it's best to do it at the airport of Dakar. In addition, Kaolack and Dakar connects the railway communication. The train from the city to the capital leaves at 6 am and arrives back around 9 pm

Searching for air tickets to Kaolak

Transport in the city

By Kaolaku it is more convenient and cheaper to travel by taxi. Cars are waiting everywhere, and the cost of a trip within the city is small - a little more than 1 EUR (700-800 XOF).

If you decide to undertake trips from Kaolak to other cities in the country, please note that in the city there are 2 intercity bus terminals: Garage Dakar buses and minibuses are sent to the north and west (for example, in Saint-Louis, Dakar or Thies). Garage Nioro serves the southern and eastern directions - the Casamance region and the outback.


 Kaolak March 1, Sunday
+ 34 ° С afternoon
+ 22 ° C at night
° C water
 Kaolak March 2, Monday
+ 35 ° С in the afternoon
+ 21 ° С night
° C water
 Kaolak March 3, Tuesday
+ 35 ° С in the afternoon
+ 23 ° С at night
° C water
Weather forecast in Kaolak for 10 days

Cuisine and restaurants

In Kaolak there is quite a lot of unsanitary conditions almost everywhere, and catering establishments should be chosen carefully and thoroughly . Recommended Le Brasero restaurant located on the road from Kaolak to Tambakundu . Here you can safely eat for lunch, most dishes cost about 5-7 EUR . To dine or just skip a glass or two you can go to the Alliance Franco-Senegalaise , entertaining and educational international center . Also it is worth to look into the bakery and confectionery Le Lionceau for tasty croissants and fresh bread (works around the clock) .

Do not miss the opportunity to taste the famous Kaolack peanut - fresh and fried, salted, frets and even canned, not to mention the extensive list of dishes with it on.
Driving through the streets of Kaolack Shopping

and shops Kaolack Kaolack boasts the biggest in West Africa covered market. In addition to food, household utensils and other household items, here you can buy real African fabrics of insane colors and handicrafts: ritual masks, baskets, decor items. Senegalese souvenirs are also sold in the "village of crafts" - Village Artisanale

Street dances in Kaolak

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing Kaolaka

Kaolak is one of the few cities in Senegal with monuments of Islamic architecture; the reason for this is the existence in the city of the influential Muslim sect of tijjania . The Great Kaolak Mosque built in 1964 in the Moroccan style is considered the most beautiful in the country . Entering for non-Muslims is closed, it remains only to admire the exterior decoration . In the evenings the building is beautiful highlights .Another religious institution - the Catholic Cathedral of Saint Theophilus - is a little noteworthy utilitarian building in the spirit of strict minimalism .

In the vicinity of Kaolak, in the delta of the Salum River, one can look at mangroves, and just in the depths of the earth baobab forests begin.

Excursions to the Sine-Salum delta (on site you can travel on motor pies along the numerous branches of the river) and the Bandia reserve are organized from Kaolak.

Beach lovers can be advised to spend a couple of days in the resort of Petit-Kot.