"Petite Cote" (Petit Côte) is a new but very promising and actively developing resort area of ​​Senegal. This is a series of pretty villages and chic beaches that shine brightly the sun for 300 days a year.

The most picturesque beaches are in the vicinity of the villages of Jenne, Tubab-Dyallow, Ndayane, Popengin, Somone and Ngaparou. There is also the world-famous resort area of ​​Sali with excellent service and a number of first-class hotels, bars, restaurants and water centers. Worthy alternative to simple bathing at the resort are surfing, water skiing, tennis and equestrian sport.

How to get to Petit Cote

Flight to Dakar, then transfer 1-3 hours depending on the resort.

Excursion around Sali and its environs

Beaches of Petit-Kot

Mbour, located 80 km south of Dakar, today became the center of admirers of amateur fishing. In coastal waters, you can hook on a tuna hook, barracuda, fish-saw, blue marlin and even several kinds of sharks.

Popengin is a place of attraction for ecotourism fans: in the 80s of the last century a large ecological reserve was created there. Among the local attractions are the grotto of the Black Virgin Mary and the church of Popengin (one of the oldest buildings in the country). In addition, the residence of the current president of the country is in the city.

Tubab-Dyallow, about an hour's drive from Dakar, is famous for its clean beaches, calm sea and mild climate. Its tourist infrastructure only begins to develop: hotels are not there yet, and the only option is to rent a villa.

Sali is the largest and most famous tourist area in West Africa. There are a lot of hotels of different levels, a lot of restaurants, bars, nightclubs and excellent opportunities for outdoor activities. In addition, Sali is a very convenient starting point for traveling around the country.

Nianing is the second most important resort area of ​​Petit Kot. The beaches there are clean and calm, but the water may not be too clear due to the abundance of algae.