Sali Portudal, or abbreviated Saly (Saly) - an African beach paradise with a European level of service, the rapidly growing city of the resort area Petit Cote on the coast of Senegal .In the European guidebooks of Sali it is customary to refer to it as "the pearl of West Africa", and for such a pompous epithet there are all grounds: the hotel service here is of the highest standards, the cleanest beaches, and the Atlantic Ocean is affectionate and unreservedly in exact measure to please and amateurs pobarahtatsya in shallow water, and otvyaznym surfers and kiteers .Add to this the excellent opportunities for fishing and the convenient location for excursions into the interior of the country - and it becomes clear that Sali is a real "X" point for fans of a variety of holidays .The

How to get to Sali

The nearest airport to Sali is Dakar (80 km). You can arrive to Dakar International Airport from Russia only with a transfer, there are no direct flights. Air France flights through Paris, Lufthansa through Frankfurt, Turkish Airlines through Istanbul, Alitalia via Milan, Iberia through Madrid and North African carriers: Tunisair through Tunisia, Air Algerie through Algeria and Royal Air Maroc through Casablanca.

From Dakar airport to Sali, it is most convenient to get there by taxi, you can bargain for $ 70-80.

Do not forget that in Senegal the cost of the trip should always be discussed in advance.

In addition, most hotels in Sali offer a service transfer, which can be booked in advance when booking a hotel or separately on the Internet. The cost should not be more than $ 80.

Search air tickets to Dakar (nearest airport sally)

Traveling in the city

You can walk on the resort area and the village of Sali on foot, the distances here are small. Fans of a relaxed vacation are advised to take a taxi, the benefit of them here is in excess, and tariffs are more than acceptable, especially by European standards.

Book Sali Popular Hotels at the best prices

Lamantin Beach Resort & SPA from 15 519 rubles. Saly Portudal Saly Nord The Rhino Resort Hotel & Spa from 9 674 rubles. Saly Portudal Rue du karting
Hotel Royam from 4 417 rubles. Saly Portudal Station Balnéaire, Saly 1 BP 843 Mbour Keparanga from 5 258 rubles. Saly Portudal Saly Joseph Obama Beach Hotel from 3 418 rubles. Saly Portudal Saly Nord
Les Flamboyants from 2 629 rubles. Saly Portudal Quartier Tape Hacienda from 2 419 rubles. Saly Portudal Quartier Coulang Hotel Grazia Maria from 3 365 rubles. Saly Portudal Saly Niakh Niakhal

Cuisine and Restaurants in Sali

In Sali, there are many options for making cheap and tasty lunch .There are restaurants in every hotel, an impressive list of catering establishments near the hotels and in the city center is added to it .Cuisine mainly French (as a consequence of colonization), Mediterranean and national Senegalese .You can also find Chinese and Vietnamese restaurants .Be sure to try the delicious Atlantic seafood (in particular shrimp) and drink a meal with Senegalese beers: Gazelle is the undisputed favorite of local bars of any level and stronger (and more expensive) Flag .The

Excursion around Sali and its suburbs

Shopping and shopping

Buy Senegalese souvenirs and other African trifles can be in souvenir shops at hotels, craft shops and in the artisan market of Salé (Marché Artisanal). The market is a cluster of huts with a thatched roof, each of which sells some interesting things: from ritual masks, drums and figurines to Senegal baskets and even dwarf baobabs. Necessarily mercilessly bargain! The

In the center of the city there is also a supermarket (concrete building with blue visors) - here you can buy "edible" souvenirs from Senegal.

Excursion to the Reserve Bandia and to the Pink Lake

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Sali

The main attractions of the city of Sali and the resort area are the sun and the ocean. There are all conditions for a comfortable beach holiday and all kinds of active entertainment related to water. Popular activities include catamaran trips, water skiing, surfing, scuba diving and snorkelling. Each hotel necessarily has its own station sport nautique - water sports. Often hotels offer free first arrival on any water "transport".

Sali is one of the best places in Senegal for fishing on the high seas; here, even international championships are held on sport fishing. From the waves of the Atlantic you can catch blue marlin, an Atlantic sailfish and swordfish.

In the vicinity of the city you can ride a quad (it is recommended to take a guided tour). Among the interesting places are the baobab forest and fields with termitniks.

Sali, aerial view


From Sali, several excursions are organized along the coast and into the interior of the continent:

  • Pink Lake Retba (50 km north of Sali) - located near the ocean edge, a body of water with a hypertonic solution of various salts and trace elements. A rich pink color is given to him by magnesium salts. In Retba you can swim, and like the Dead Sea, its waters will hold your body on the surface. On the banks is the extraction of salt, buy a bag or two.
  • Sine Salum, the delta of the Salum River, is located south of Sali. Get here on all-wheel drive jeeps or quad. On the way, you can see the villages of local residents, and arriving at the delta, go on a water trip on a motor pie.
  • The nature reserve Bandia is located 15 km from Sali and offers an introduction to the delicious flora and fauna of Senegal. Buffaloes, rhinoceroses, giraffes, crocodiles and giant turtles will be pacing in the exciting proximity of you.
Pay attention to the biggest baobab in the country - it's more than a thousand years old! The
  • The island of Goré is an architectural evidence of the European colonization of Senegal. Explore the picturesque port and narrow streets with colonial architecture buildings, and visit the Museum of Slavery - a sad acknowledgment of the long-suffering fate of the West African population.