Indisputable merits in the tours to Senegal just a few . Let's start with the perfect combination of exotic and convenience - the former colonies of West Africa, including the French-speaking Senegal, managed to learn from the "invaders" the correct organization of the tourist service - from departures on a minute-to-minute excursion pan-European dishes in the hotel restaurants . And the riot of African nature outside the window - juicy colors and strange animals - this does not cancel, so the rest will be equally exotic and comfortable . Besides e Moreover, for the same reason of postcoloniality, one can easily get here with one transfer in Europe (for example, in Madrid or Paris), and on the spot - not to speak of any Bantu or Swahili, but practically as on the Champs Elysees, with "bonjouries" and other "excuse-mua" . So if you are looking for the crazy beauty of the African continent, but are not at all ready to follow the footsteps of Livingston - tours to Senegal - this is what you need .

It is not at all suggested to contemplate the landscapes of Senegal from native huts, and from the windows of high-class hotels in the resort of Les- Almadi, who with their high starness easily plug up other pompous institutions of the Cote d'Azur for their belt.

What to see

So, what is attractive for Senegal for a tourist? First of all, an exceptional variety of landscapes: excellent sandy beaches of the Atlantic coast with picturesque rocky areas, always beautiful (though sometimes rough) azure of the ocean, emerald forest thickets of the Sine-Salum delta and lifeless expanses of the desert, finally - savannas with sticking out here then there futuristic baobabs and gently pink water of Lake Retba . What is most pleasant is that it is not at all from the native huts that contemplate the amazing landscapes of Senegal, but from the windows high class hotels in the resort of Les Almados, which with their high stardom easily plug up other pompous institutions of the Côte d'Azur for the belt .

The magnificent national parks are another pride of Senegal. The territory of this small country is inhabited literally by the biblical diversity of representatives of the animal world: more than 550 species of mammals and an unpredictable number of birds. All this regularly migrates, successfully multiplies and grows in numbers for the benefit of fans of fauna and enthusiastic photographers. By the way, fishing here is also outstanding - Senegal is considered one of the best world destinations for adepts of fishing rods and baits.

Finally, Senegal is notable for a large number of architectural monuments, like the ancient - the ruins of the Kingdom of Sin - and modern: colonial mansions, palaces, cathedrals, squares and fountains

When to go and how much it costs

The usual duration of tours to Senegal - from a week to 10-11 days . As a rule, a combined holiday is offered: accommodation in resort hotels on the ocean and excursions . @ Among the best The most popular ones are the visit to the Bandia reserve, the Sine Salum delta, the Retba lakes, a visit to the Bird Island, Gore Island and a walk through the Dakar . "High season" as such in Senegal, but the greatest comfort for tourists is provided from November to March when There are no winds from the Sahara, nor the southwestern monsoons . The approximate cost of 10-day tours in the season varies between 2500-2700 EUR with air tickets - in this case it should be borne in mind that the hotels are offered very high quality, category not lower than " Four ". So that vacation in Senegal for the price is quite comparable with the holiday in the usual Egypt or Morocco - but he gives many bright impressions at times more!