The capital of the southern region of Casamance, Ziguinchor, almost like the north of St. Louis, bears a bright imprint of the colonial past: the streets in the center of the city are broad and shady, and houses would be absolutely not ashamed to stand somewhere on the outskirts of Paris . However just barely scraped off this radiant upper layer, how the wildest and wildest Africa bursts out to the surface: the nearby Aboriginal villages with absolutely otherworldly huts, rambling markets such as "gang-collapse" where it seems possible to buy everything in the world, and thickets of age-old baobabs .

How to get to Ziguinchor

Ziguinchor has its own small airport serving only domestic flights . To get here from Russia, you must first land at Dakar International Airport, for example, using the services of airlines such as Air France with a transfer in Paris, Lufthansa (Frankfurt), Turkish Airlines (Istanbul), Alitalia (Milan), Iberia (Madrid), Tunisair (Tunisia), Air Algerie (Algeria) and Royal Air Maroc (Casablanca) . After the bankruptcy of the national carrier Air Senegal information on flights between Dakar and Ziguinchor arrives it is not advisable to rely on an internal flight .

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By bus

From Dakar to Ziguinchor you can get on a minibus (about $ 15, traveling time is 9 hours) or long-distance bus ($ 10, 11 hours). The distance is 450 km, the journey includes a ferry crossing over the Gambia River, and depending on the congestion of cars, the travel time may increase.

If you decide to use the shuttle bus, you should arrive at the bus station in Dakar very early, until 6 am.

By ferry

Another option is to arrive by ferry from Dakar to Ziguinchor twice a week, Tuesday and Friday. The vessel sails around 20:00 (landing from 17:00) and arrives at the destination point by 10 am the next day. The cost is from EUR 23 per seat (not recommended - very uncomfortable) to 47 EUR for a place in a double cabin. Book tickets in advance, especially in the high tourist season, as places snap up at lightning speed

Ziguinchor photo-photos from TripAdvisor

Transport in the city

Ziguinchor is actually a much larger city than you could from it expect. To travel on it, use the services of a taxi - it costs a penny, and cars wait literally everywhere. The fare within the city is fixed at 500 XOF (less than 1 €)

Cuisine and restaurants in Ziguinchor

In Ziguinchor an impressive number of public catering establishments. The cuisine is very diverse: French, African, Mediterranean and primordially Senegalese.

Book popular Ziguinchor hotels at the best prices

Hôtel Kadiandoumagne from 3 050 rub Ziguinchor Embarcadère de Boudody Hotel Aubert from 3 491 rubles Ziguinchor Escale Rue du Commerce

Shopping and shopping

Fans of exotic shopping are guaranteed to be delighted with Ziguinchor - one of the best markets in Senegal - Saint-Maur-de- Foss (Marché Saint Maur des Fosses). Here you can buy fabulous beauty and dizzying colors African cotton fabrics and clothes, spices and condiments, interior items and other cute things.

Also be sure to visit the Center Artisanal, located in the city center - there everything is sold there so is the region of Casamance.

From natural gifts you can buy honey, mango vinegar and shea butter. Fashion designers are encouraged to take a look at the atelier of the traditional Senegalese batik OSD Batik and Keur Boutesse

Region Casamance and Ziginshor

Ziguinshore's entertainment, excursions and sightseeing

Ziguinchor is a convenient starting point for excursions to the southern regions of the country. Among the popular trips are:

  • a visit to the Aboriginal village of M'lomp with clay two-story huts, giant cheese trees and an ethnographic museum of the Diol people.
  • Excursion to the village of Usuye (Oussouye), 45 km from Ziguinchor. Under the canopy of tropical cotton and mango trees, its own king (invariably dressed in red, with a scepter in his hand) is dominated by him.
  • during the trip to the village of Anampor (Enampore) you can see the process of making palm wine bunuk.
  • Elinkine village ) - the main fishing center of Casamance, here you can look at fishing pies and take a walk in the abundant fish market.
  • Carabane is a labyrinth of mangroves and a leisurely primitive life in the bosom of nature - a complete relaxation is provided
  • having become bored of civilization, visit the beautiful beaches of Cap Skining.

From Ziguinchor you can go on longer trips - to the national the Niokolo-Kobo park, at the eastern border of the country, as well as to neighboring Guinea-Bissau (a visa can be easily obtained at the consulate directly in Ziguinchor).