The capital of the Seychelles - Victoria (Victoria) - a small city, buried in the shadow of tropical spreading trees .The history of the city began in the 18th century, when 15 French colonists landed on the island and created the first settlement of Port Royal .When the islands passed under the rule of England, the city was renamed in honor of the English queen and acquired its current name .Now in a city surrounded by mountains on three sides, 26 thousand people live, but local residents believe that the city has already grown too large, therefore, construction in the city is prohibited .The

Walking along the streets of Victoria, climbing the surrounding hills, appreciating the beauty of the pristine nature, you can understand why the inhabitants of the island consider their homeland the only piece of sunken paradise on the earth.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 How to get to Victoria
    • 1.1 Search airplane tickets to Mahe (nearest a / p to Victoria)
  • 2 Climate of Victoria
  • 3 Transport
    • 3.1 On the auto
    • 3.2 By air
    • 3.3 On the water
  • 4 Victoria Hotels
  • 5 Restaurants of Victoria
  • 6 Entertainment, sightseeing and sights of Victoria
    • 6.1 Mahe Island and surroundings

How to get to Victoria

Seychelles International Airport arrives from Bangkok, London (British Airways), Paris (Air France), Frankfurt (Condor), Johannesburg, Rome, Milan and Amsterdam (Martinair).

Search airplane tickets to Mahe (nearest a / p to Victoria)

Climate of Victoria

Average monthly temperature, ° C
янв Feb mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug A seine Oct ноя Dec
afternoon +30 +30 +31 +31 +31 +29 +28 +29 +29 +30 +30 +30
night +24 +25 +25 +25 +26 +25 +24 +24 +24 +25 +24 +24
water +28 +29 +29 +30 +28 +26 +26 +26 +27 +28 +28 +29


A trip on local buses is cheap, though, and they do not go regularly.

Taxi drivers will immediately offer you to become your permanent guides on the island. Agree on the price of the trip in advance.

Local residents and lovers of outdoor activities prefer to travel around the city on bicycles, which can be rented or bought at a reasonable price.

On the auto

The movement in the city is left-handed, the car allows you to travel the whole island in a couple of hours, get to remote beaches and shops, where exotic delicacies are bought by local people. Renting a car will cost about $ 35-45 per day (prices for December 2010).

Victoria - the capital of Seychelles

By air

On the neighboring island of Praslin you can fly by plane Air Seychelles, which offers more than two dozen flights per day. On the islands of Bird, Denis, Fregat, Deros, Alphonse flights are once a day or every other day. On the helicopter you can make both a survey flight, and get to most of the inner and outer islands of Seychelles.

On the water

Cat Catos catamaran travels twice a day from the city's pier to Praslin Island (the cost of a $ 90 ticket is round trip, provided that you return on the same day).

5 things to do in Victoria
  1. To weave (or at least try to do this) the national Seychellois hat.
  2. Spend the city far and wide on a rented bike.
  3. Dash for a day on the neighboring island of Praslin - swim in the bay of Anse-Lazio.
  4. Photographed against the backdrop of a miniature copy of Big Ben.
  5. Try authentic Creole food.

Victoria Hotels

In the capital of a large (relative to the rest of the settlements of the archipelago) the choice of a variety of hotels, aparthotels and bungalows. From "urban" 2 stars to luxury options on the first line of luxury beaches in a small distance from the city center.

Restaurants of Victoria

Seychelles cuisine was formed under the influence of a variety of culinary traditions. The most popular dishes are seafood, coconuts and curry. Restaurant Islander, offering excellent food at reasonable prices, owns a former pilot of the US Air Force. The family restaurant Marie Antoinete specializes in real Creole cuisine, which can also be enjoyed at the Boat House. La Perle Noir - expensive and refined restaurant, can not be better suited for romantic dinners.

Map of Victoria

Entertainment, sightseeing and sights of Victoria

On the central avenue stands a small copy of the famous Big Ben - the most notable adornment of the city. From the tower with the clock in the direction of the old port leads the most popular street of the city - Long pier. It is home to a local museum, in addition to exhibits telling about the history of the city, there is a "stone of possession", established by the French in 1756 as a sign confirming the status of the French colony.

Local residents believe that Victoria has already grown too large, so construction in the city is prohibited.

On the Market Street, which unites the old shopping areas, Indian and Chinese shops, shops and the city market, the English St. Paul's Cathedral and the Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception stand on the opposite side of each other, behind which the extensive possessions of the Catholic episcopate stretch. On the territory of the Catholic Park you can see statues of saints and numerous bas-reliefs depicting biblical scenes.

Victoria Market

On the avenue Francis Rachel is located the center of applied arts and crafts, where tourists are trained to make souvenirs from bamboo, shells of turtles and coconut leaves, and weave national Seychelles hats. The Mont Fleuri Botanical Garden (tel: (248) 22-46-44) is located in a nearby valley.

In the zoological department of the Botanical Garden you can see the famous giant turtles. Appeared on our planet in times of dinosaurs, turtles live for 200 years, and their weight reaches 250 kg.

A little west of Victoria is Intendanse Bay. You can get to it by bus 50A. Here you will find a luxurious beach with amazing coral sand, around which are modern hotels, stylized bungalows, bars, restaurants and discotheques. Photos of Victoria (16)