Mahe, 10 days weather forecast for Mahe
Weather in the Seychelles
March 1, Sunday
+27 ° C in the afternoon
+27 ° C at night
Weather in the Seychelles
2 March, Monday
Partly cloudy, light rain, storm Thunderstorms
+27 ° C in the afternoon
+27 ° C at night
Weather in the Seychelles
March 3, Tuesday
Partly cloudy, light rain, storm Thunderstorms
+27 ° C in the afternoon
+27 ° C at night

Monthly weather forecast for popular resorts in the Seychelles


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +30 +30 +31 +31 +31 +29 +28 +29 +29 +30 +30 +30
at night+24 +25 +25 +25 +26 +25 +24 +24 +24 +25 +24 +24
water+28 +29 +29 +30 +28 +26 +26 +26 +27 +28 +28 +29

The weather in the Seychelles is a rather conventional concept, because in this blessed corner of the Earth, splashing on the gentle waves of the Indian Ocean, that in January, tourists are waiting for the ideal weather conditions in July, as if written off from some "Brief Guide to Creating Paradise" .Seychelles is an excellent climate throughout the year, with virtually no temperature changes .Rather, pro forma for the sake of, rather than in fact, it is customary to distinguish between two seasons - and this is done, it seems, solely to please tourists who simply can not believe in year-round sunny-ocean happiness .

Two seasons in the Seychelles - wet hot and dry cold, both equally comfortable for a carefree holiday. The wet season lasts from December to April. At this time of year, heavy rains fall on the islands, but they do not last long: half an hour later, the sun shines again here. The average air temperature in this period is +28 .. +31 ° C, the water is the same +28 .. +30 ° C.

The off-season in May is the most suitable time for resting on the most capricious tourists in the Seychelles: there is literally nothing to complain about here - the ocean is incredibly calm, there is no rain in sight, and it will be comfortable in the air even for those who do not tolerate the 30-degree heat.

Dry cold season in the Seychelles lasts approximately from June to October. Then the islands are in the power of the southeast monsoon, the humidity drops to about 70%, and the average air temperature is at +27 .. +29 ° C. In the water also from +26 ° C to +28 ° C, so that the transition between the water and air environment is practically not perceptible. At the same time, the monsoon is sometimes unsweetened by the water surface - and lovers of serene splashing may not be too comfortable.

The second offseason in October is another most perfect period for a holiday in the Seychelles: the "coolness" of the dry season has already given way to the warmth of the wet, but rains are still rare, and the ocean surface is unshakable, like a saucer of olive oil.

In general, no matter what month of the year you choose to visit the Seychelles, you will not remain unhappy with the weather! And the paradise landscapes of the direction as much as possible contribute to a serene mood.

To find out what kind of weather is waiting for you in the Seychelles in each of the twelve months of the year, you can by looking at the Weather page in the Seychelles by the month.