Is there snow in winter in Spain?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
In general, Spain is considered one of the warmest European countries. Droughts are frequent here, fields for harvesting have to be irrigated artificially. In general, there is very little precipitation, and most of it falls in the form of rain, because even in winter the air temperature rarely drops to at least 0. Of course, the anomalies happen, and the cyclones sometimes bring wet snow to Valencia, Madrid, etc. But this still an exception, not a norm.

Nevertheless, do not forget that in Spain there are mountains in which it is always colder. In winter, there are stable minus temperatures, and on the slopes there is a dense snow cover. There, in the Catalan and Aragonese Pyrenees, the Cantabrian Cordilleras, the Central Mountain System, the best ski resorts of the country are located. There, snowfalls in winter are habitual and not perceived as a natural disaster.

December 5, 2011

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