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Casa Batllo

Barcelona, ​​Passeig de Gracia, 43

Museums of Spain One of the most famous mansions, on the architectural plan of which flaunts the signature of the great Gaudi, the Casa Batllo is located on the avenue of Passage de Gràcia, in the heart of the quarter of Eixample. When you look at the house of Batllo from the street, it seems that the building lives, breathes and closely follows the movements of its guests.

The Prado Museum

Madrid, Paseo del Prado s / n, 28014

Museums of Spain The Prado Museum houses the richest collection of Spanish paintings, masterpieces of Italian, Flemish and Dutch masters. The first collection of the Prado Museum consisted of more than 300 paintings, now it stores over 6,000 paintings, more than 400 sculptures and works of jewelry art.

Museum of Salvador Dali

Gala-Salvador Dalí Square, 5

Museums of Spain Raging on the sunny beaches of the Costa Brava, few people think of visiting so-called cultural institutions. But in vain, because there is a unique object, not to visit which will, frankly, be unforgivable. It is a museum of Salvador Dali, located in the homeland of the famous painter in Figueres.

Theater-Museum of Dali

Gala-Salvador Dalí Square, 5

Museums of Spain Magnet attracts the curious is the main attraction of Figueras - the Dali museum, which has long become a symbol of the city. In his brainchild - the museum-theater - Salvador has invested all its boundlessly soaring beyond the reasonable soul, as well as considerable money.

Automobile Museum in Malaga

Malaga, Plaza Sauceda, 2

Museums of Spain Despite the fact that the Automobile Museum of Malaga was opened very recently - in 2010, he already fell in love with tourists. Everything is interesting here - the exhibits themselves, and the place where they are stored. The museum is located in the building of an old tobacco factory built in 1927.


39330 Santillana del Mar, Cantabria

Museums of Spain In the Spanish province of Cantabria is one of the most famous caves in the world - Altamira. It is famous for its multi-colored rock carvings, made in the era of the Upper Paleolithic, around the 15th and 10th millennia BC, as well as the dramatic history associated with its discovery.

Reus Archaeological Museum

Reus, Raval de Santa Anna, 59

Museums of Spain The story of Reus owes a lot to Salvador Vilaseca y Anguera, a remarkable scientist, historiographer, physician and patriot of his land, who spent many years of his life studying the surroundings of the city and collecting an amazing collection.

The Military Museum of Barcelona

Barcelona, ​​Carretera de Montjuic, 66

Museums of Spain If you flew to Barcelona with your son, then do not be lazy to visit the departmental Military Museum in the fortress of Montjuic. Believe me, there will be a lot of impressions. Weapons and uniforms, knight armor and ancient maps, a division of tin soldiers and models of castles and fortresses - such an exposition will be to your liking.

Gaudi's Home Museum

Barcelona, ​​Park Guell, Carretera del Carmel, 23A

Museums of Spain Acquaintance with the life and work of Antonio Gaudi is recommended to continue in the Park Güell, where the house-museum of the great Catalan architect is located. In the House-Museum personal belongings of the master are exhibited, a rich collection of furniture and other masterpieces of art created by Gaudi's hands is presented.

Egyptian Museum - Clos Archaeological Foundation

Barcelona, ​​Calle Valencia, 284

Museums of Spain In the Egyptian Museum, a private collection of Jordi Clos is represented to the people. These are 600 valuable exhibits, including objects of worship and life, sarcophagi and posthumous masks, papyri and writing materials. Some of the items stored in the museum collection once belonged to the pharaohs.

Spanish Village

Barcelona, ​​Monjuic, Avinguda de Fransesc Ferrer-i-Guardia

Museums of Spain The architecture of all regions of the country in one place - that's what the Spanish village is, a complex of buildings in the open air. Professional architects visited more than 1,600 cities and villages throughout the country, and on the basis of the selected material, replicas of the buildings of the regions of Spain were built.

Lloret de Mar cemetery

Lloret de Mar, Carrer Plato 23, Cami del Bon Repos

Museums of Spain Water parks, beaches, clubs, public gardens, monuments ... In many resort towns the sights are similar. There is no doubt that Lloret de Mar has something to see. This city has its own special atmosphere, after all, it's not accidental that even Barcelona residents come here to rest.

Royal Academy of Fine Arts San Fernando

Madrid, Calle de Alcala, 13

Museums of Spain The Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, which is located in the center of the rich in the sights of Madrid, is of the most historical and cultural value. After all, this is not only a beautiful building built by a great architect.

Madrid Maritime Museum

Madrid, Paseo del Prado, 5

Museums of Spain Madrid is the most suitable place to go to the Maritime Museum. Because Spain possesses the richest marine history, one of the most interesting, extensive and successful of all, known to mankind. Such a museum in Spain is, it is called the Museo Naval de Madrid.

The Monastery Museum of Las Descalzas in Madrid

Madrid, Plaza de las Descalzas

Museums of Spain Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales in Madrid is one of the Spanish "royal" monasteries, which devout Catholic monarchs created a lot during the long Spanish history. The difference is precisely this monastery in that it is located in the capital and right at one of the royal palaces.

Maritime Museum of Barcelona

Barcelona, ​​Avi. Drassanes

Museums of Spain Near the Rambla and the Columbus Monument, next to the Barcelona Harbor, stands the original building of one of the most popular museums in Barcelona - the building of the Maritime Museum. We will not dissemble, saying that this museum is worthy of your attention.

Museum of CosmoCaixa

Barcelona, ​​Carrer d'Isaac Newton, 26

Museums of Spain It turns out that in Barcelona, ​​your kid can not only enjoy the sun and the sea, but also be able to get the first experience of knowing the world around him. To do this, visit the CosmoCaixa Science Museum, which is rightly considered the temple of human knowledge of nature and cosmos.

Museum of America in Madrid

Madrid, Av de los Reyes Catolicos, 6

Museums of Spain The Museum of America in Madrid is one of those museums that can be found only in one specific place. In this case - in Spain. And in such cases it is worth going there, because this is not anywhere else. The Spanish Museum of America has no analogues in Europe.

Museum in the monastery of Pedralbes

Barcelona, ​​Baixada del Monestir, 9

Museums of Spain An example of the elegance of the Catalan Gothic style of architecture is the Museum in the monastery of Pedralbes. The museum presents unique works of art, antique furniture, objects for the liturgy dating back to the beginning of the XIV century.

Gaudí Museum in Reus

Reus, Placa del Mercadal, 3

Museums of Spain Few people know that Reus is a city that our compatriots know only as a popular arrival airport for "beach women" and an equally popular shopping center - also a place where the genius and world famous Antonio Gaudi was born.

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Spain is a country of sunny beaches, famous wines and incendiary dances, it keeps a rich cultural heritage, and, of course, there are many famous museums in it. This year several unconventional museums were added to the list of Spanish museums - a museum of "Ideas and Inventions" opened in Barcelona, ​​revealing the world of creative ideas.

The most famous Spanish museum is Prado in Madrid .The ancient park of the museum was mentioned in the 16th century, and the building itself, in which its exposition is located, was built later and is an excellent example of the style of strict neoclassicism .The foundation of the museum's fund was the royal collection of canvases, and most importantly the Prado treasure - a huge collection of canvases by Spanish artists .The works of Velasquez, El Greco and Goya are widely represented in the museum..Impressive collection of paintings by Titian, Hieronymus Bosch and Rubens .Also in Prado a significant collection of sculptures and works of applied art is presented .

In addition to the Prado in Madrid, there are several dozen museums, and one of the most interesting among them is the Escorial Palace. The museum is located near the homonymous village, an hour's drive from the city. The construction of the palace began in 1563 and lasted for 21 years, after which it became the residence of the Spanish King Philip II. The complex of the Escorial consists of a palace, a cathedral, a monastery and a theological school, which first deceive visitors with their external rigor, and then amaze with the extraordinary pomp of interior decoration.

The second by the attendance of the Spanish museum is the Dali theater-museum, which is located in the homeland of the artist in Figueres.

In the palace are stored more than 5000 known canvases, here are works of Titian, Tintoretto, Bosch, El Greco, Velasquez, Van Dyck, Veronese and other famous artists. In the Escorial you can also see Greek sculptures, ancient wall rugs, jewelry, books and manuscripts. One of the most valuable treasures of the palace is the Gospel with golden pages. The Escorial is the burial place of the ashes of Spanish kings.

The second most visited by the Spanish museum is the Dali theater-museum, which is located in the home of the artist in Figueres .The museum is located in the theater building, its opening took place during the life of El Salvador in 1974 .The artist bequeathed to his native city almost all his works, that's why this museum houses the most significant collection of paintings, drawings and sculptures of Daly .Also in the museum building is located and opened for visitors apartment of the famous artist .Sam Salvador Dali is buried in the crypt, which is located in the basement of the museum .

Among other famous Spanish museums there are still archaeological and maritime museums of Barcelona, ​​the museum of archeology of Cadiz and others.