What to bring from Spain?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Spain - the country of the sun, the sea, bright colors and contrasts literally in everything: from landscapes, sweeping past the window of a train or train, and finishing with local cuisine. That is why it is very important to thoroughly approach the issue of which souvenirs should be purchased in this wonderful and hospitable country in order to prolong the feeling of the holiday and freedom for which it is literally permeated with every stone.

It's no secret that Spanish wines have won love and high ratings of connoisseurs of this drink all over the world. That is why wine from a sunny country will be a wonderful gift for all who are able to appreciate the unique bouquets characterizing the best Spanish varieties. It is impossible to leave without attention and kava - local sparkling wine, which is made in Catalonia and some other regions of the country. In fact, this is Spanish champagne, which is customary to drink on New Year's Eve to the battle of the old clock on the main square.

The main Spanish delicacy - jamon - will suit the wine perfectly. It is a raw pork ham, manufactured according to ancient technologies, passed down from generation to generation. Suspended from the ceiling, the hamon is an indispensable adornment of any self-respecting local bar or grocery store.

A fine wine for a strong half of humanity will be a wine leather jacket. This is not just a beautiful and high-quality souvenir, but also an indispensable attribute for long trips to a picnic or fishing. Heart of ladies will conquer the attributes of the passionate dance of flamenco, among which are fans of castanets, combs and earrings. The advantages of a fan can not be overestimated in the summer heat, but some castanets are used not only as a stylish decoration of the interior, but also as an effective soothing means: their sound has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

The grandeur of the genius of Antonio Gaudi architecture will be recalled by numerous ceramic products. Among them, you can find anything you really want: decorative ceramic tiles created in the stylistics of his creations, souvenir plates, and statuettes of a bull - the national symbol of the country in which every child knows what a bullfight is. ±​​$ br >

May 17, 2013

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