What to bring to Spain?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The first thing is to take documents and tickets with you to the road, as many already guessed.

As practice shows, the main number of tourists who fly to Spain, willy-nilly, find themselves in Barcelona and spend the main amount of their vacation time there .Buildings of the architect Gaudi and other small pleasures of the Spanish side will require a tourist to constantly move foot .In this connection, one of the first items to be done when collecting luggage is to take care of the availability of comfortable shoes .Suitable for this are the most common sneakers - then sightseeing will become much easier and more convenient .

Moreover, some domestic tourists try to collect evening dresses and a pair of tailcoats, so as not to hit the dirt in front of the capitalists. Experienced experts testify that the Spaniards wear only those clothes that they themselves consider comfortable, do not use irons and generally are very democratic in their appearance. So shorts and a T-shirt can easily become your only costume throughout your Spanish vacation.

In addition, it makes sense to bring a laptop or other means to access the Internet. Since the cost of tickets for tours and museums is much lower, if you order them through electronic devices.

Also make sure that in the navigator all updated maps of Spain have already been installed on the flash drive. Otherwise, there is every chance to remain without money because of the use of international traffic.

April 2, 2013

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