The first steps: going to the police

If you are abroad and you have stolen documents, including a passport, you need to contact the local police as soon as possible. There you will be prompted how to write a statement, make a copy of it and certify it. (A certified copy of your application for loss / theft of your passport and other documents must be taken from the police with you.) In addition, you will compile a list of stolen items and you will be introduced to your rights, also in writing.

At the Embassy

Then you should try your luck and ask the police of the address of the Russian Embassy in this or the nearest city and his phone number (or call a paid reference number, this number is definitely required). If you can not get through immediately, you should go directly to the Embassy as soon as possible. As a rule, they work from morning till lunch and, probably, not every day. For example, in Spain, in Barcelona, ​​the opening hours of the Embassy are from 10:00 to 13:30. ±​​$ $ It's necessary to have a certified copy of the application to the police, a Russian passport and a notarized copy, and two photos 3, 5 x 4, 5 cm. You can notarize the Russian passport directly at the embassy, ​​for a fee (in Barcelona it cost about 41 EUR per page), or at a Russian notary.

If you do not have any documents proving your identity , then in the Embassy you have to go two people who will be able to witness amb your Russian citizenship. At the same time, your so-called "alibi" should have a passport with you, and ideally - copies and originals of Russian. Otherwise, you will need to call to Russia for acquaintances and ask to send a copy of your passport by fax or email and also go to certify it.

And it is even better before making a trip abroad to make notarized copies of Russian and foreign passports and take them with you ( in this case, the original Russian in this case, you can not even take). At the same time, copies should always be worn with you, and the originals should be hidden deep and deep, and not shown anywhere else at the airport.

After carrying out all the bureaucratic procedures, the victim will be given a long-awaited Certificate of the right to return to his homeland. Upon arrival, the tourist with the same long-suffering certified copy of the application to the police and the Certificate within two days must arrive at the FMS where he previously received his lost passport.

The questionnaire of the victim who lost his passport abroadhttp: // .com / uc? export = view & id = 1nz5bRGt6qr2wz6eQUXDfrQaL3j9EmQr_

 What to do if you lost your passport abroad  What to do if you lost your passport abroad $ $
The rights of the victim with the loss of a passport abroadhttp: // export = view & id = 1FqI4qmphd0lve9rg9_oIRXtC5lYxSPEm
 What to do if you lost your passport abroad  What to do if you lost your passport abroad $ $
The certificate of entry to the Russian Federation with the loss of a passport abroad - $
 What if you lost your passport abroad  What to do if you are lost a passport abroad. - $
 The reverse side of the certificate of entry into the Russian Federation with the loss of a passport abroad - $  What to do if you lost your passport abroad
The reverse side of the certificate
 List of things stolen from a tourist abroadhttp: // export = view & id = 19aYw44C_B42d2HykoESNu_NMfkyw7fIN  What to do if you lost your passport abroad
List of things stolen from a tourist abroad $ $
 Continuation of a list of things stolen from a tourist abroadhttp: // export = view & id = 1lbmnaIUC1ZBsiRkgSmKXI1tYhp8wfF73  What to do if you lost your passport abroad
Continuation of the list