Partially preserved huge Citadel Tartous (Tortosa, 10th century) was once the last stronghold of the Knights Templar in the Holy Land. Remains of the city of the Crusaders and the Cathedral of the Tartu Mother of God are preserved here - a unique example of a fortified church (one of the first structures of this type in the Gothic style). After the Muslims reconquered the city, the church was used as a mosque, in the Ottoman period - as barracks. With the French government, the building was restored and now there is a museum.

The historical center of Tartus consists of modern buildings built on the walls and inside the walls of the fortress of the times of the Crusaders.

The historical center of Tartus consists of modern buildings built on the walls and inside the walls of the fortress of the times of the Crusaders, the moat of which still separates the old city from the new one.

Tartus itself is the second largest port city in Syria after Latakia, where the Russian naval base is located.


The bus company Kadmous has an office in the city center, not far from the park. Buses from here depart for Damascus (every hour, on the way for 5 hours, 120 SYP), Aleppo (120 SYP, 5 hours), Hamu (70 SYP, 1, 5 hours) and Homs (70 SYP, en route 1 hour). In addition, minibuses run to Latakia (40 SYP, en route 1 hour) and Banyasa (15 SYP, 30 minutes) - departures every 15-20 minutes.

Al-Ahliah, whose office is located in the south of the city, organizes the same flights, with the same cost, the only difference is that the number of flights per day for Al-Ahliah is slightly less than that of competitor Kadmous.

Taxis for the city will cost no more than 30 SYP.

What to see

In the museum of the Cathedral of the Tartu Mother of God one can see the exposition of various archaeological finds made in Tartus and its surroundings, as well as exhibits brought from Rakka and other regions of the country. Working hours: 9: 00-16: 00 in the winter, 9: 00-18: 00 in the summer. Closed on Tue - Tue.

In the museum of the Cathedral of the Tartu Mother of God one can see the exposition of various archaeological finds made in Tartus and its environs.

3 km from Tartus is the picturesque island of Arvad (the only one in Syria), where the crusaders lasted the longest. About this glorious past resembles towering above the island fortress, now a museum. Working hours: 9: 00-16: 00 in the winter and 9: 00-17: 00 in the summer. Closed on Tue - Tue.

Another Arab fortress is to the right of the Arvada jetty (tourists are not allowed inside the building). You can get to Arvad by water taxi in 20 minutes.