Over the past few years, the world has seen an increase in the popularity of countries where patients are offered treatment combining the achievements of alternative medicine and the technological quality of European medical care. One of these countries is the Kingdom of Thailand.

For millennia, the people of Southeast Asia have practiced a holistic approach to health issues .Procedures based on the cleansing, nourishing and rejuvenating properties of herbs and minerals, calming herbal medicinal tinctures, the recipes of which were passed down from generation to generation - all this has become a fertile ground for the establishment in Thailand of centers of rehabilitation therapy, considered to be the best in Asia today >.Numerous curative programs here include meditation, wellness and exercise programs .In addition, the healing effect of the environment also contributes to the healing effect: an amazingly beautiful nature, which makes it possible to completely relax and restore the balance of mental and physical balance .The

Health tourism in Thailand
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Where to go for medical treatment

One of the most successful and most effective programs for the restoration of health lost in the struggle for a place in the sun are in the Kingdom of Thailand programs offered by SPA therapeutic centers .Just remember that the SPA in Thailand - it's not those endless rows of salons of reflexology and Thai massage that come across your eyes at every turn .And certainly SPA - this is not an institution that calls customers through invitations of "helmassmasmist"! The real spa places in Thailand need to know .As a rule, these are solid medical centers offering services for complex diagnostics, plastic surgery and even dentistry .One of these places is the medical center for them .Sv .Carlos, the largest medical center in the suburbs of Bangkok .The

The coast of Khao Laka.jpeg Health tourism in Thailand
Relax in Thailand Health tourism in Thailand
Spa treatments, Thailand Health tourism in Thailand

Medical Center. St. Carlos

Built in 1994 and fully equipped with modern medical equipment, the St. Carlos Center became the first health center in which alternative therapeutic SPA programs appeared. Here, in the St. Carlos Clinic, a completely unique technique for correcting the weight and balancing the physical, mental and emotional strength of the patients was also developed.

According to the director of the medical center for him .Sv .Carlos Dr. Anchuli Yongarnukul, weight loss program begins with a medical interview and complete diagnosis, including the determination of the total amount of fat in the body, the analysis of body components, a complete scan of the patient's energy state .After receiving all the necessary information, the individual program of the patient is made in such a way that a person who has come to the medical center for them .Sv .Carlos, not only lost weight, but also was able to rest during his stay in Bangkok .The

Usually the patient's day begins with morning exercise, followed by breakfast, and then different procedures are started, tailored according to the client's needs .The diet of each patient is selected individually, its formulation depends on the personal metabolism of the subject being examined..According to Dr. Anchuli, from the physical point of view appearance is the first and main indicator of health .Therefore, the main task of any treatment program in the medical center is .Sv .Carlos is an attempt to reverse the patient's biological clock and change his appearance so that he again feels young .The

Healing programs

Medical SPA programs in the medical center. St. Carlos is different in duration: a stay in the center can vary from one to seven days with a possible extension for any period. The cost of any program includes accommodation, basic medical examination, consultations with a doctor of SPA, three meals a day. In addition, the cost already includes daily procedures: two hour and two half-hour, with a total duration of up to 3 hours a day.

One of the most successful and most effective programs for the restoration of health lost in the struggle for a place in the sun is in the Kingdom of Thailand programs offered by therapeutic SPA centers.

All programs are made individually, depending on the patient's state of health and the doctor's recommendations after the basic medical examination. The cost of the program directly depends on its duration: for example, a full weekly program aimed at reducing weight, will now cost an amount equal to two thousand US dollars.

According to the magazine SPA ASIA, which is the leading print edition in the field of SPA in South-East Asia, the health-improving SPA programs of the St. Carlos Medical Center in Bangkok in 2004 and 2005 were recognized as the best curative SPA programs in Asia.

Hospital Bumrungrad

In addition to the St. Carlos Medical Center in Bangkok in Thailand, there are health and medical centers that specialize directly in medical tourism in the traditional sense of the word .Here, for example, can include some ophthalmological centers that restore vision with the help of laser technology or cardiac centers specializing in heart surgery .Special love for patients from the countries of the Middle East enjoys Bangkok hospital Bumrungrad, located in the heart of the capital of Thailand, in Sukhumvit street .The

Despite the rather high cost of medical care, the Hospital Bumrungrad has won fame of an institution that provides medical services of a very high level, so there are always a lot of foreigners in the hospital lobby .A typical average foreign visitor to Bumrungrad is an Arab businessman who came to be treated with his wife, mother, children and, in some cases, with a servant .A little less than a thousand doctors and more than seven hundred nurses work in the hospital .However, it is fair to say that these same doctors and nurses work part time in other medical institutions in Bangkok as they are free from work in the hospital .The

Most Europeans coming to Thailand for treatment are retired people .However, do not think that the health resorts are mainly people of older age who come there to treat specific diseases .Recent statistical studies conducted with the support of the Tourism Authority of Thailand showed that health tourism in Thailand is much younger .Now the average age of a foreign patient who arrives for treatment in Bangkok is 38 years; and the purpose of the trip is usually called "preventive treatment", and not the fight against any particular ailment .The

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Health tourism in Thailand