Real estate in Thailand is in constant demand among potential Russian customers..The reasons for the increased interest are quite understandable: low prices ,especially in comparison with housing prices in both capitals ,current and former ,- Moscow and St. Petersburg; geographically and climatically advantageous location ,allowing to enjoy the warm sun and magnificent beaches in the coldest for Russia season; sufficiently developed infrastructure; great opportunities for choosing a place of residence - it can be like the world-famous Pattaya Resort ,and distant from the mainland islands or bustling and bustling Bangkok

Moreover, the Kingdom of Thailand is considered one of the economically promising countries of South-East Asia. This suggests that after all, properly invested funds in real estate will subsequently be profitable or, in extreme cases, it will be possible to eventually sell the housing, thus obtaining the desired "dividend."

Thai visa allows you to live in the country for up to 30 days. A longer period requires reconciliation at the embassy in Moscow or at the consulates in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok.

Real Estate Types

The most popular and inexpensive type of real estate is the so-called studio, which is a one-room apartment without a kitchen or with a small kitchen unit. The standard footage for such living space is about 35 square meters. You can find a studio of a smaller size.

Apartments from 50 square meters and up to 200 are already apartments with several rooms. The price directly depends on the number of bedrooms, the area where housing is purchased, the lack or presence of parking, a swimming pool on the territory, etc. There are not even big kitchens in the most expensive apartments.

Property in Pattaya - $

As for individual housing, a villa or bungalow is not easy enough to get into the property .The fact is that in accordance with Thai law, a foreigner can not be the owner of the land .This point can be bypassed either by taking the site on which the villa is located for long-term lease, up to thirty years, with subsequent extension, or by making a deal through a Thai "intermediary" who will be the actual owner of the housing..True, no agency will provide guarantees for the extension of the lease in the event that you bought a separate house, and to bypass the real "mediation" you will have to make a lot of effort .

Rent or purchase

Rent or buy is the first question asked by those wishing to obtain a property in Thailand. Answering, it is necessary to remember not only the difficult situation with land plots, but also the restrictions imposed when buying any apartments, be it studios or luxury apartments.

Multi-family houses with an ennobled nearby territory or condominiums are available to Russian buyers only if the percentage of foreign residents living in the house does not exceed 49% .The area of ​​the apartment is measured not by internal, but by external walls, that is, a common balcony already includes a possible balcony, which significantly reduces the amount of real living space when buying, up to 2-3 square meters .All costs for the operation of the territory lie on the owners of the apartment .If the future owner of housing plans to rent it, then you need to remember that the tourist season in the main centers of Thailand, for example Pattaya, is really year-round, but on the islands still falls only in the Russian winter,.

Transaction registration

Thai law and the process of registration of the transaction requires the attention of a specialist, so if you still decided to buy, it is better to attract a qualified lawyer and use the services of the agency .When buying, you will need to pay 10% of the cost of future housing..In the event that the transaction breaks through the fault of the buyer, the pledge will remain with the seller, in the reverse situation - you will be paid a double deposit of $ $ .The registration will take about two to three months .You need to be prepared for the additional costs associated with all kinds of payments .

Villa in Phuket

Accommodation in Thailand is

Thai visa allows you to live in the country for up to 30 days. A longer period requires reconciliation at the embassy in Moscow or at the consulates in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok. In total, as much as possible, any foreigner can stay in Thailand for up to a year, but for this it is necessary to have a working or student visa. The residence permit is easiest to get to pensioners if there is a certain amount on the account, investors and entrepreneurs.

Welcome to Bangkok Real Estate in Thailand
Welcome to Bangkok!
Traffic in Bangkok, Thailand Real Estate in Thailand
Traffic through the streets of Bangkok
Night colors Pattaya Real Estate in Thailand
Night colors Pattaya
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Real Estate in Thailand