The land of eternal summer, bright sun and wide smiles Thailand can rightly be called one of the most visited countries of Southeast Asia .There are many reasons for this: a unique culture and traditions, carefully preserved by local residents, incredible nature, favorable to diverse and rich recreation, developed infrastructure and tourism business - all these factors give the country the fame of the "paradise corner of the Earth", which is really so..Sightseeing tours to Thailand - a wonderful combination of outdoor activities with a full knowledge of the country and its history..The choice is presented by a wide variety of tours: duration from 2 to 17 days, cost from 185 USD and up to 1495 USD per person .Most tours involve visits to major cities such as Bangkok, Pattaya, Kanchanaburi and Phuket islands .

Popular sightseeing tours to Thailand

Sightseeing tour to Thailand «Two oceans» - an eight-day trip to the exotic world of the tropics .The tour route originates in the capital of Thailand Bangkok .Next, the group expects a stop at the floating market Damnoen Saduak, in the city of Kanchanaburi with a visit to the museum, a trip on the historic railway over the river Kwai, a boat trip to the village of a local tribe, a visit to the amazing Cao-Liang cave and the majestic King Mongkut palace, the picturesque Panyaban waterfall, elephant rides, river rafting, bathing in the Indian Ocean waters and rest on the luxurious sandy beaches, walks in the national park with the underground river and much more..Also within the tour will be a visit to Phuket, Krabi, Phang-Nga, Ranong .

The minimum price of the tour is 942 USD. The price includes transfer, hotel accommodation with meals and other fees. Internal flights to Phuket - Bangkok and additional excursions are paid separately.

Sightseeing tour «River Kwai .Two days "is designed primarily for tourists who want to get to know Thailand as soon as possible..Its program includes visiting Bangkok, the floating market Damnoen Saduak and Kanchanaburi .As is clear from the name of the tour, most transfers are carried out on the water, which allows you to fully enjoy the amazing beauty of the country's nature..It is worth noting, there is also a slightly extended version of the tour - a three-day trip on the river Kwai .In addition to visiting the above-mentioned places, the program includes rafting and a visit to the village of the Mon .

Country of eternal summer, bright sun and wide smiles Thailand is rightfully considered one of the most visited countries of Southeast Asia.

The six-day excursion tour "The Pearl of Northern Thailand" involves visiting cities such as Bangkok, the ancient city of Ayutaya (once the former capital of the kingdoms of mighty Siam), one of the most revered shrines of Saraburi, the city of temples and pagodas of Lopburi, Phicanulok, Phare, Phayao and Chiang Rai .It is worth noting, the main concept of the tour - an architectural tour of the country, most of its ancient Buddhist temples, villages and settlements, monuments and kingdoms .The minimum price is 719 USD .It includes accommodation in hotels 4 stars, tours, flights from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and other fees .

All prices are in November 2014

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Sightseeing tours in Thailand