Alexandra Azarova site 1

Ask the expert Zavorozhenno considering the photographs of the oasis of Neft in the book presented to the end of the primary school, and could not imagine that in fifteen years will sip mint tea in a cafe on its edge and, contemplating the endless dark green palm trees, will sigh contentedly: "Nefta, Tunisia? Yes, I live here! ". Although sometimes he misses Borodino bread and Turandot in the Bolshoi, he is happy that he has changed the cloudy Moscow sky to a sunbeam making his way through cascades of crimson bougainvilleas. $ $ Having safely survived the revolution (and making sure that the devil is not so terrible) I continue to notice the details of Tunisian life and I am inspired to share it with the readers of the "Subtleties". Among the recent discoveries are the stupefying smell of henna flowers in the Gabes oasis, the edge of Debabsch's petrified barkhans, the nuances of running a race camel, the unusually tasty (and the only sweet in the local market) Kurubis S wine and the "feather sample" in the distillation of rose water. Favorite quote: "for the Lord divided us into tribes and peoples to know each other."

Book a tour to Tunisia "first hand", book an excursion, consult about a particular hotel or simply find out what the temperature is now water, have you started to sell fresh olive oil and how are the dates in Duse - ripe? .. you can by writing to the post

More about why I love Tunisia and about the offered excursions and tours it is possible to read on the personal page of the guide - the order of excursions is possible in the same place.