Capital Airport Tunis-Cartage - the very first transport hub of the country, received the guests of Tunisia back in those ancient times when the stones of Carthage and the Sahara sands did not trample the foot of a mass tourist. And today here sits a huge number of flights from around the world - not only tourist, but also regular, from the states of Africa, the Middle East and Europe. However, it is not necessary to talk about the exclusively "serious" thrust of the airport: it accepts many charters, including from Russia.

Landing at Tunis-Carthage airport is convenient for several reasons .First, the minimum transfer time to the northern resorts of Tunisia - Tabarka, Bizerte, the capital and the tourist area Gammarth itself, as well as the charming provincial corner of the country Bordzh-Sedria .Secondly, the sights of the city of Tunisia are literally at hand: to Carthage from here no more than 10 minutes by taxi (which explains the name of the airport: "Carthage" = "Carthage") - which means that you can get your "excursion dose" and for a short transit .Finally, it is here that you can feel the history of the country: the walls of the airport still keep the spirit of the first aviators of Tunisia and remember the glorious beginning of domestic passenger traffic - then from Tunisia to Tozer it was easy to transport the donkey! The

Flights Moscow - Tunisia

Moscow and Tunisia are connected by a steady aviation traffic, which is even more strengthened during the high tourist season from May to September .Flights Moscow - Tunisia are offered both in the form of regular air transportation, and charter flights .In this case, of course, you need to remember that to buy a charter ticket between Moscow and Tunisia in the summer can be difficult: tour operators chartering a flight are extremely reluctant to sell seats without a tour (and some do not ever sell) .In this case, the only way out is to purchase a ticket for a regular flight operated by Tunisair Tunisia .Sometimes it joins another national carrier Nouvelair, but its schedule does not differ certainty .The

The time in Moscow - Tunisia is 4 hours to 4 hours 20 minutes, depending on the type of aircraft.

Flights St. Petersburg - Tunisia

St. Petersburg also can not complain about the lack of air travel to Tunisia .From the airport "Pulkovo" in the air both regular and charter flights are going up .They are carried out by the Tunisair Tunisair and Nouvelair airlines, as well as the Russian Transaero .In the summer in the direction of a lot of charters running, and to fly to the hospitable coast of Carthage can almost daily, and on certain days - and several times a day .In winter, celestial activity, of course, noticeably decreases: from November to March, to get to Tunisia can be more convenient on the wings of European air carriers, since it is possible to cancel the regular flights Tunisair, Nouvelair often completely withdraws their flights in low season .As for St. Petersburg-Tunisia flights for flights with transfer, here the choice before a tourist is really huge .You can fly through Istanbul with "Turkish Airlines", Rome or Milan on the wings of Alitalia, Frankfurt - with "Lufthansa", Paris - with Air France .The

At the most pleasant price for Turkish Airlines and Alitalia, but at certain periods Lufthansa "throws out" very attractive rates.

If you want to spend the main "long" holidays of the year with benefit and pleasure, be sure to check the page "Flights to Tunisia for the New Year."